2, 3 years from now...the big question from you.

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New member
Dec 10, 2006
Hello WF'ers,

Going by the standard profile of most regulars here, you got some form of mastery in your niche and earning some $$$ while you're at it.

2007 is bearing down quick and fast on us... and given the way things are going so quickly nowadays, how would you expand and grow (or change) the way your business is being done in the next year (2007), 2 and 3 years later?

Also...Apart from your primary market, what other markets are you likely to step your toes into and try out? (Video / Arbi / Sales / Conferences etc)?

make 1000 a day profit for 3 months.

Once way of going about this is through subscription based website where if you have 500 people paying you 20 a month you make 10000 a month and it is automated since they keep renewing and you make $$.
I advise people to learn affiliate rather than arbi. The way things are going with Adsense, I wouldn't count on it very much. Of course, you can make money with arbi, but Adsense is paying less and less. Soon, it will pay as bad as Adbrite. You can always find niches where advertisers are stupid enough to pay high prices in content ads, but advertisers are getting smarter.

I have automated arbi system so I don't really care what happens, and I'm not going to stop arbi until my ROI drops under 1.5:1. But if I would have to do manually niche research, I would probably start to learn how to run affiliate campaigns and arbi would be second or third way.

But, my goals for 2007 are to boost my affiliate campaigns and tweak my ROI better. I'm also going back to dropshipping in ebay.
2-3 years from now I'd love (and will) have a self-sustaining website design and development studio serving local businesses. In addition, I will personally work harder at learning affiliate and SEM, while at the same time try to develop the "next big thing."
By the end of 2007, a combination of PPC affiliate, arbitrage, and my own brand of content sites now in the works. All making me at least $500 net profit per day.
I have two content sites being programmed right now, a few dropshipping sites I am almost done with, and new arb sites being put up each day. I'm banking on my content sites the most, as I feel they are very original and hopefully can generate lots of traffic- and I am waiting until I hit about $200/day in arb before going to affiliate programs.

Biggest problem is finding time to do it all w/ a full time job where I can't work on anythign else besides research due to firewalls and other restrictions!

By the end of 2007 I'd love to be making upwards of $300-500/day...we'll see!
when you guys start talking about 7 figures let me know!

Oh don't worry, I'm working towards overtaking you, engaged, Jon or whoever else in due time. (as soon as I clean my room and take out the trash). bwahahaha! :evil_laughter: :ak:
Drusam - I have indians that I pay $.60 an hour who turn out content that makes me $400 an hour for every indian, that is 12 hours a day of work, and $400 an hour profit for every hour of every day of the fing year!

Drusam - I have indians that I pay $.60 an hour who turn out content that makes me $400 an hour for every indian, that is 12 hours a day of work, and $400 an hour profit for every hour of every day of the fing year!


Once I steal all of South Korea's robotics and artificial intelligence, your indians will be rendered quite useless! :error:
My goal is to double my income. At least $1500 profit per day by mid '07. 2 years out... still growing.
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