1st attempt at using PPC with AM

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Long tail keywords are best discovered from mining logs of broad traffic.

This is true. Based off organic traffic you're bound to find long tail search phrases you're already getting traffic for. You can then better optimize them for search engine traffic and/or as PPC keywords.

Long tail keywords are best discovered from mining logs of broad traffic.

Long tail keywords are then best tested/evaluated using more exact match types.

Ok that makes sense. But once I add the long tail keyword to my YSM account, how does this work if I already have broad match set up on a short tail version that would pick up the long tail? For example, if I have broad match set on drug test but I have exact match set for best drug test, which one gets the traffic for best drug test?
If I were searching for such a thing personally I would type in "pass drug test" or "passing drug test." You might be a bit scatological and try "drugs in urine" or "hide drug use."
I don't really do PPC anymore so don't quote me on this but your cost per click for exact longtail should be quite a bit cheaper than the cost per click of a broad matched short term because your CTR should be higher on the longtail phrase because you're targetting your ad text better.

Of course more and more people are doing long-tail PPC exact matches so it may not be as dramatic as it used to be.
Also consider what people looking for this product might be searching for OTHER than way to pass the test. Maybe how long certain drugs stay in your system or how long they're detectable in your urine? Does everyone call them "tests" or do some people call them "screenings"? Does everyone say "pass" or do some people say "beat" or "cheat"? Does everyone call them "drug tests" or do some people call them "urine tests" or "narcotics tests" or "marijuana tests"... etc etc
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