1c Droid Phones at Amazon

Fuck. Droid X is on backorder on Amazon. Est. Deliver date is Jan 4. Anyone have any opinion on whether or not it's worth waiting, or should I just get the Incredible. Pretty much identical performance specs, just more glass on the X . . Any insight appreciated. Sorry for the bump.
Fuck. Droid X is on backorder on Amazon. Est. Deliver date is Jan 4. Anyone have any opinion on whether or not it's worth waiting, or should I just get the Incredible. Pretty much identical performance specs, just more glass on the X . . Any insight appreciated. Sorry for the bump.
There will likely be a bunch of new phones coming out for the holiday season, so I'd wait. Especially with 3.0 on the way.
Fuck. Droid X is on backorder on Amazon. Est. Deliver date is Jan 4. Anyone have any opinion on whether or not it's worth waiting, or should I just get the Incredible. Pretty much identical performance specs, just more glass on the X . . Any insight appreciated. Sorry for the bump.

It looks like the iPhone will have a lot to catch up for in terms of sales next year.
Do you guys in the United states not get 'free' handsets with contracts then? Obviously they're never free in reality, but in the UK we get some pretty sweet handsets without any upfront costs.
Only drawback is I have to suffer living in the UK to get one :p
Do you guys in the United states not get 'free' handsets with contracts then? Obviously they're never free in reality, but in the UK we get some pretty sweet handsets without any upfront costs.
Only drawback is I have to suffer living in the UK to get one :p

smartphones are usually $200 with a two year control, or around $500-600 without a contract.

As for waiting for the Droid X til jan. If you're going to wait til then don't get that phone...there will be plenty of new Android phones out by then. And I feel that the samsung phones are a lot nicer than HTC and motorola.