$12 = 2,000 Quality Dofollow Backlinks! FUCK YEAH!

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New member
Apr 12, 2010
Rating - 100%
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Hello, my name is Jabberwokky, I am the owner of LowCostLinks.com and am offering an incredible deal just to get our name out there.

We want to show you guys what we have to offer!

We usually sell 2,000 links for $24.99 on our website, WickedFire members can get the exact same package for just $12 USD via PayPal. That's more than a 50% discount for those of you who are mathematically challenged :ugone2far:

This offer is limited to the first 50 customers, and will not run longer than 1 week. All orders are completed within 48 hours. Most are completed within 12 hours.

Free review copies available to the first 5 people that ask for them. You must have more than 1,000 posts to receive a free review copy.

The links come from forums, very similar to an xrumer blast, but not quite.

Every link will be placed on it's own "forum post" page, with your link prominently placed at the top.

These are not blog comments or profile backlinks.

You will receive a verifiable list of every backlink we created via email once we are finished.
First free review copy going to Grindstone!

There are 4 free review copies left to anyone with over 1,000 posts!

@Grindstone: please PM me your URL(s) and Keyword(s), or contact us through the site.
@davidb: you will not be dissapointed!

@Grindstone: your 2,000 links are complete, check your email inbox!

@EVERYONE ELSE: I will be back on this forum around 11PM EST tonight to answer all your questions / fill your orders.
Disclaimer: Free Review


*Fast. Retardedly fast. Sent info, responded 2 minutes later notifying that the OBL from my web 2.0 property didn't resolve, I said I'd fix it, proceed. 8 minutes later I had a report in my inbox.

*Excellent job varying the anchor text.

*Supplied extra links, as he realizes some are going down with this approach.

Cons: Checked 15 links at random, all were 0 PR, all were non-US forums with little to no relevancy. Also, since they were all first posts/new thread type of forum postings, I imagine the attrition rate will be high.

Summary: Did exactly what he said he would do, ridiculously fast. I'd treat these like a xrumer blast and filter them thru to your money sites rather than blasting away, unless you've already got so many links that 2k more won't trip any red flags. Definitely worth $12 if you need link volume.

@jr sci: great! We can offer discounts to long time customers / large orders.

@TylerL: for a fellow Canadian, anything! Nobody else seems to want one, so it's yours. Please contact us with your URL(s) and Keyword(s).

@Grindstone: thank you for taking the time to give a quality review of my product.

@zingo: There is no limit to the number of URLs and Keywords you can use in one campaign. We cannot match keywords to certain urls however, so it's best to give us 10 URLs of a "red widgets" blogfarm (or similar) and have all your keywords "red widgets" related. We are working on matching multiple URLs to Multiple Keywords, check back in the future.

TWATTYBANJO: you can have a review as well, due to lack of interest! Please contact us through the link given above.

@EVERYONE ELSE: there are currently 2 review copies left! MUST HAVE 1,000 POSTS OR MORE TO CLAIM!
I have replied to everybody here, the two people who asked for a review get them, so contact me through my site.

I think because I placed a "contact us" link in my previous message it has been sent to review for a moderator, so please wait until they get around to it for your replies!
Looks like my reply isn't going to get posted, due to it containing a link and me being so new, so I will try again!

@jr sci: awesome! we give discounts to large orders/return customers.

@TylerL: due to a lack of interest from the 1,000+ guys, it's yours! Please pm or email me your info.

@Grindstone: wow, thanks for the incredibly detailed review!

@zingo: there is no limit to the number of URLs and/or keywords you want to promote!

@TWATTYBANJO: sorry, but a few more posts is required to receive the free review copy!

@Scutter: your order was filled this morning, nice doing business with you!
I ordered the service this morning and Jabberwokky did a great job of wrapping it all up in about an hour--first thing! I was really impressed with the turnaround time.

The links are forum posts, usually new threads being started, and it's likely that quite a few of the links will get trashed as the forum moderators do their thing. However, for better or for worse, several of the forums I spot-checked from the report have a LOT of these kinds of links on them. So it's possible that many will stay. In either case, I was given significantly more links than I ordered so even if quite a few get nuked, I should still have many links available.

This is a volume play, and these aren't very high quality links. But if you need to get a lot of links pointing over to your sites, this is a good way to go. Jabberwokky was very accommodating in mixing up the anchor text and URLs.

Also, I want to echo Grindstone's advice from his review: given the volume of links, you'll really want to think about sending links to buffer sites and not your main money site unless you're really well-established.
Also, I want to echo Grindstone's advice from his review: given the volume of links, you'll really want to think about sending links to buffer sites and not your main money site unless you're really well-established.

Definitely. Couldn't agree more.

Be cautious when dumping thousands of links onto a relatively new site. It will surely get Google to take a look at you.

Having said that, LowCostLinks.com (with the www) sits at a healthy PR2 after just 4 months of setting up shop (and blasting it with 1,000s of links!), so you never know!
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