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darkdrift said:
is this a good investment? what kind of traffic do they get?

I don't know about the traffic, but since i started this thread yesterday they have had 9 words sold. So, thats pretty impressive.
I also want to know the traffic before buyin a word. Alexa has them at" 625,281" for traffic.
CreationNation said:
...or you play smart and look for a word NEXT to someone who shelled out for a big font. The eyes (at least mine) seemed to look both left anf right to the larger font words.

All of the words next to the sold big words so far are nothing special though... :(
VinSVT said:
All of the words next to the sold big words so far are nothing special though... :(

All the words change places after 5 or so minute,so theres no point buyin a word beside a big word.
Jon said:
I'll bet the first word they yell out when they see a new order come in is SUCKERS!!

It's a gamble like anything else. If it gets picked up by a few news places then it's worth. And Lee reported someone getting 1000 referrals a day. I can't argue with that.
I have a word there too...I will keep everyone posted on the results. I did have a friend of mine that was getting 1,000 visits a day through that link.
Wow, this is some bullshit:


Joel Comm started a rip off site (making it 500words) the day after Lee wrote about the 1000word site. And Reve news (who Comm writes for) wrote about it, giving him a leg up.

Now, obviously nothing's sacred, but it's sad to see someone's idea get ripped off right when it looks like it's starting to take off.
JDA said:
Wow, this is some bullshit:


Joel Comm started a rip off site (making it 500words) the day after Lee wrote about the 1000word site. And Reve news (who Comm writes for) wrote about it, giving him a leg up.

Now, obviously nothing's sacred, but it's sad to see someone's idea get ripped off right when it looks like it's starting to take off.

that is pathetic, seems to be gettin a bit of extra publicity too, that is so sad.
JDA said:
Wow, this is some bullshit:


Joel Comm started a rip off site (making it 500words) the day after Lee wrote about the 1000word site. And Reve news (who Comm writes for) wrote about it, giving him a leg up.

Now, obviously nothing's sacred, but it's sad to see someone's idea get ripped off right when it looks like it's starting to take off.

Now that guy is a bastard ...
If nothing else, it is a pointer to 1000 potential niches, if you are in need of inspiration
Michael said:
Now that guy is a bastard ...

Actually, I'd consider him pretty damn smart.

The first link posted wanted like a minimum of $250... way over priced.

The second link and the "bastard" made a similar website with much better prices... and his actually worked. Hes sold a shit ton of words while the other guy has still only sold 29.

Thats like calling Wal-mart a bastard for selling things cheaper than everywhere else :p

Its just business.
Dave said:
that is pathetic, seems to be gettin a bit of extra publicity too, that is so sad.

I really dont 500words has many more hits than 1000words. Seems to be more of a price issue to me.

$50... or $250 for basically the same thing?
I find the bastard part comes in because he's using the ReveNews platform to promote his site.

Like I said originally, nothing's sacred, but it still sucks.
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