*1000th Post* Free Content Contest


I Sell Words
Feb 8, 2011
New York
So…3+ years of WickedFire have come and gone. I’ve learned more than I can remember, made a ton of mistakes, earned a bunch of friends and forced myself to push-on towards that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I’m going to give away $100 of free content. The details are at the bottom of this post.

I wish I had an enlightened guide that would light a fire under the ass of the entire message board, but better minds have done that already. Instead, I’ve jotted down several things that I’ve learned along the way that may provide some inspiration or insight into what you’re doing right now.

Here it goes…

Network on Wickedfire

The amount of money, knowledge, and potential flowing through the veins of this message board is astronomical. Reaching out to someone you don’t know can literally make the difference between being successful and remaining in a shitty 9-5 desk job for the rest of your life.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should rape every inbox of every prominent member on Wickedfire for information that will solely benefit you. You need to let these things happen naturally. If you see that someone has a question or needs some kind of help, you should take the time to REALLY help them. Take 30 minutes to dig up that answer, make a phone call, or write a message with invaluable information that only you can provide. This will create lasting relationships that can benefit both sides in so many ways. You will only discover the benefits once you put in the effort. Hint: Just because someone has 2 posts DOES NOT mean they’re a newbie.

Stop Chasing Trends

Once a strategy/method/guide hits the message boards, all the big money has already been sucked out. You can certainly make a profit with these strategies in the short term, but the cash will eventually dry up and you will be stuck looking for a new fad to chase after.

Before diving head first into the next shiny object, do yourself a favor and take the time to reverse engineer it before doing anything. Ask yourself what, exactly, caused this strategy to be successful? Is it likely that this will work for the next several months? Does the source of this shiny object have resources that give him a competitive advantage? Can I edit this strategy slightly to obtain the same benefit while avoiding the inevitable saturation?

Questions like these will lead you to where you want to go. Blind faith is the fastest way to an empty bank account.

Cancel Those Subscriptions and Manage Your Expenses

The difference between success and failure can be as simple as managing your expenses correctly. No, you do not need a subscription to AHREFs, Majestic, Moz, SEMrush, Termexplorer, LongTailPro, Hostgator, Bluehost, STM, IMgrind, Adobe Creative Commons, Cool Proxies, Death by Captcha, or whatever other membership you can think of all at the same time. You should only be paying for what you need in order to reach your goals.

And, in order to reach your goals, you need…


I am the biggest culprit when it comes to being involved in too many projects at once. It’s so easy to see an opportunity and try to manage it while you’re being pulled in 5 other directions. You need to avoid those temptations at all costs. Identify what it is that you want, set goals to reach your objective, and tune everything else the fuck out of your life until you hit those milestones. If you don’t, someone else will.

$100 Worth of Content – MS Paint Wickedfire Portrait Contest

Alright…so I’m giving away $100 worth of blog posts or website content to the Wickedfire member that best portrays another Wickedfire member (past or present) using MS Paint. A hundred bucks is the equivalent of approximately 3,300 words – just enough for a little niche site or a small content project.

Here are the rules:

  • Post your MS Paint portraits in this thread
  • The portrait with the most likes by 12pm EST on Friday 3/28/14 will be the winner
  • You don’t have to know what the member looks like…just create your portrait based on what you THINK they look like.
  • This is meant to be fun…so have some fucking fun with it. No Debbie Downers.

Many thanks to all those people who have helped me out along the way – y’all know who you are!
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Cancel Those Subscriptions and Manage Your Expenses

The difference between success and failure can be as simple as managing your expenses correctly. No, you do not need a subscription to Termexplorer,

What is this shit. I demand OPs head on a pole.

You need efficiency enhancing tools because if you're time is worth more then 2$ an hour. Getting a few tasks done in a 10th of the time with 3 times the effectiveness is a net gain after using them all of 2 or 3 times.

Anyway working on entry. :rainfro: GL and happy 1000th
I used photoshop, and I traced it, so it doesn't count but I'm posting it anyway



only oldfags will remember, like if ur a 2011 WF kid

(actually only I2E will get it probably but that's okay)
What is this shit. I demand OPs head on a pole.

You need efficiency enhancing tools because if you're time is worth more then 2$ an hour. Getting a few tasks done in a 10th of the time with 3 times the effectiveness is a net gain after using them all of 2 or 3 times.

Anyway working on entry. :rainfro: GL and happy 1000th

You're 100% right (termexplorer has saved me countless hours)...however, I believe that most people are signed up for at least 1 service that they could cut. I'm not fighting efficiency tools here - I'm just stating that people should know where their money is going.

This is Midas_Touch, because his posts always make me a happier person.

The difference between success and failure can be as simple as managing your expenses correctly. No, you do not need a subscription to AHREFs, Majestic, Moz, SEMrush, Termexplorer, LongTailPro, Hostgator, Bluehost, STM, IMgrind, Adobe Creative Commons, Cool Proxies, Death by Captcha, or whatever other membership you can think of all at the same time. You should only be paying for what you need in order to reach your goals.

THIS has a lot of meaning to me, I feel it. I'm at that point too - wallowing in endless tools to make shit easier but I already forgot what shit I was ultimately headed for. Really about to cancel everything and resubscribe whenever I need. Same goes for extending all those domains, ugh.

Awesome post, congrats!
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I realize he kinda looks like a Amish/Puritan terrorist, but the hat was hard to do. Sorry Jon. ;)
I registered a new account "SexyIMGurl" in hopes of posting this image of what she thought I looked like, but new account restrictions prevented it from happening. FUCK.
