100% American College Student Article Writiers - Bandwidth to do 100 articles/day!

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Jun 29, 2011
Austin, Tx
Rating - 100%
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My partner and I ran a Student Marketing company for the last 10 years out of Austin, TX. Things have been looking bleak recently, so we decided to put our 150 odd interns to better use and converted them in to Article Writing Machines (AWMs).

These AWMs are all currently enrolled at major 4 year Universities around the country and are experienced in researching and writing quality, original articles.

* 100% American writers. READ: Quality. Quality. Quality.
* Proof read by experienced editors.
* Copyscape Passed.
* Quickest turn around time you have ever seen. After all we have 150 writers at our disposal.
* Med Students, Law Students and Graduate Engineering Students to write for specialty niches. If your order size is big enough, we'll recruit specifically for your niche.
* Bandwidth to write 100 original articles per day.

Highly Competitive Rates for the QUALITY
* $1.40/100 words for bulk orders of 50+ articles/order.
* $1.60/100 words for orders of less than 50 articles/order.
* The minimum order quantity is $25/order.

Giving out FREE review copies to Experienced Members for a limited time -- Please send me a PM with your choice of keywords.

I know we are expensive compared to what you are used to here on WF. But we have long term bulk clients that consistently place orders of more than 300 articles a month, month after month. They think our Quality is worth the price.

Once we establish ourselves here, these prices will go up and so will our range of services. For the time being, we'll give you quality, original articles quickly at $1.40/100 words for bulk orders - All written by our SuperAWMs

Here are some reviews from one other forum. More to come soon directly from WF

I am one of the lucky ones to receive a review copy from jayabraham. Three hours after our initial contact the article arrived. wow that was quick. The article was professionally written and it read smoothly and beautifully. It is very obvious that the writer is a native speaker with perfect English. I will definitely order more articles from jayabraham.
I just received my review copy around 10 hours after requesting for one. This timing is great! Most writers will require more than 24 hours to submit work (of course if they have more work). JayAbraham will beat the competition if he can submit finished work faster than his competition. He did it under 12 hours. Awesome!
I tried to test him by giving him a keyword in the financial niche...particularly Structured Settlements...he did a great job! The content is high value and I would pass for a financial guru if I would post it as my own. Plenty of financial jargon included (LSI keywords!) which would go down well with both the search engines and human readers.
I checked the entire text (around 400 words) using various copyscape-like services (5 of them) which ALL verified the entire content as ORIGINAL. Excellent work!

Now you just need to make sure you keep down your delivery times and you'll have a great service! Oh...and keep the prices competitive but don't succumb to lowering your prices...keep them high if the service is great.

I would recommend JayAbraham and his article writing services. Remember starting may be the easy part...staying consistent is he challenge just as any other business!

Good luck!
>>>>>Review<<<<< I'm glad they let me in on this to review. The work was done really fast, I just gave them my keywords and everything was taken care of. Like the other user said you can definitely tell these guy's are native English speakers with a great command of the English Language. I'm definitely going to be working with them again.....
WOW!thanks a lot Jay! i gave jay and his team a pretty tough Keyword to crack and they have done it extremely well! i used to get my articles from fiverr ,BUT MAN!this is A LOT BETTER! i give jay a 5/5 for language and 4/5 for the research .
i guess i have finally found my "article man",

Review: I received my article in about 2 hours. WOW! The article was well-written in good English. Jay is providing a good service here.
BTW. None of the above reviewers placed a single order with me :) The reviews did however lead to me finding loyal, bulk clients. We did 1500 articles last month. That's close to a million words.

I think review copies are just to get the ball rolling. They don't necessarily lead to orders directly from those members. I'll do a maximum of 4 review copies and then stop. Thanks.
Re: Thread title

You may want to edit your thread title. You misspelled "writers".

Shine on, you crazy hardworking diamonds!
I would like to take a look at a sample please. I am looking for some quality content for a few of my homepages.

Thanks in advance.
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I'm definitely interested. I need content for 40+ sites. 5-20 articles per site.

I'd be happy to do a review for you.


I got a 500 word article from jayabraham's staff. The niche was a rather boring one that was challenging to write about, but they cranked out my article with no problems.

Turn around time was fast, about 4 hours. I ordered a 500 word article and got 492 words, so slightly under. Not that it matters, but would have been nice to have 500 be the minimum.

Quality is the main thing I was concerned with, as this wasn't some article that I was going to spin and throw on some cheap article directories or something. Rather, this article was going straight on my website. On that front I was pleased. The article definitely read as if it was written by an educated, english native writer. Grammar was solid and there weren't any spelling mistakes or anything of that sort.

My only minor gripe was that for some reason some of the paragraphs had 2 linebreaks between them rather than 1. Not an issue for my measely one article, but if you were ordering say, 100 of them, you'd probably not want to sift through all 100 and fix the linebreaks.

That's a really minor gripe though. All in all, the article I got was well worth the the rates being charged. This was way better quality than any of the $1/100 word articles I've ever ordered and not that much more expensive.

ETA: It passed copyscape as well.
Thank you Vcize. I'm sorry about the double line breaks. I can understand how that can be frustrating. Ideally you would like to get your articles into the system as effortlessly as possible and get down to the real SEO work. After all that is precisely what you are paying me for. We won't make that same mistake again.

Thanks once again for positive feedback!

My only minor gripe was that for some reason some of the paragraphs had 2 linebreaks between them rather than 1. Not an issue for my measely one article, but if you were ordering say, 100 of them, you'd probably not want to sift through all 100 and fix the linebreaks.

That's a really minor gripe though. All in all, the article I got was well worth the the rates being charged. This was way better quality than any of the $1/100 word articles I've ever ordered and not that much more expensive.
I want to make a clarification. I went back to the Word document to check how the writer and the editor could have made such a silly mistake. That's when I realized that the Word document was perfect. When I copy pasted it into a PM here on Wicked Fire, I reformatted it a little to make it look pretty. We wouldn't make that kind of a mistake on the actual Word document we submit to a client.

If you're looking for a review article, please PM me an e-mail address and your keyword. 2 more Review Copies left!
I will be glad to pay your rate for good articles. Please PM me with your payment method and info you need.
The sample content Jay sent me is good. He was also very helpful on another topic and very responsive. I will be using him in the near future for content.

Delivery: 10/10
Article for SEO Purpose: 10/10
Qualtiy: 5/10

Most of you will take the quality review wrong. I'm pretty harsh on grading. Yahoo news would get 6/10 and the New York Times wouldn't even get a 9/10. It's rare I find a writer who is a 5/10 under $3/100 words so I'm very pleased. Article is easy to read. I'd estimate it to be at an upper High School level. Which is good.

Will I order again? Hell yea. Got a big order coming :)
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