$100 a day profit: Is $5 x20 pages in 30 days How?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I want to hear from some experienced professionals. Is it possible to build have 20 arbi-ish sites (provides some useful content, not just links) which generate $5 in ad profit in 30 days. How can one make this possible?

Taking action is not an issue, as i am very motivated. The main goal is $100/day at least 5 days a week in arbi profit. Please provide some useful suggestions....

You can probably do 20 arbi pages in a day depending on how useful you want them to be to the user.

Some will make $5+ a day some will lose you $1 a day. But it is definitely possible. My guess is that you'll have to build more than 20 pages though.
i don't think so however you should shoot for it and probably do better than if your goal was $25 day. for your sake, i hope you prove me wrong :)
Damn, there are a lot of arbi questions these last few days. Here and in my PM's.

First I'm not 100% certain whether you are talking arbi as in Adwords to Adsense PPC or are you talking MFA (made for Adsense) sites?
Damn, there are a lot of arbi questions these last few days. Here and in my PM's.

First I'm not 100% certain whether you are talking arbi as in Adwords to Adsense PPC or are you talking MFA (made for Adsense) sites?

I was talking MFA. However, I heard Yahoo may pay more....
It's possible, for sure. BUT... You need to find the right niches. You'll probably have to test 100+ niches to get there. So it's not going to happen overnight. I still only have 1 main niche but it gets me between $5 and $20 a day.
illkity how many bad niches have you been through for this one successful niche?
illkity how many bad niches have you been through for this one successful niche?

I've put up about 4 or 5. None have lost money, but most don't get any traffic (I'm not bidding above .05). I have a second that gets a couple clicks a day. Mostly I'm still in the "experimental phase" but I expect to ramp up to $50 a day by the end of the month. I don't have a ton of capital so slow ramping is fine for now. I'm also looking at organic traffic generation for both adsense and affiliate stuff.
illkity: Have you bin doing are you doing adwords to adsense or lower tier search engines to adsense?
i don't think so however you should shoot for it and probably do better than if your goal was $25 day. for your sake, i hope you prove me wrong :)

to revise my answer, my wife thinks it's possible if you work 12 hours a day. actually i taught her arbi and now she kicks my ass at it ;) she knows more then me, so i say go for it.
to revise my answer, my wife thinks it's possible if you work 12 hours a day. actually i taught her arbi and now she kicks my ass at it ;) she knows more then me, so i say go for it.

12 hours a day for a month :eek:

Sorry i seem to be completely hijacking this thread, riddarhusetgal if you mind just tell me to fuck off, but its all for the cause of learning eh?... How often do profitable arbi pages become unprofitable? A month of living in my bedroom might be worth the $100 a day if its going to last 6 months+, but not if its going to die after a month or two.

Cheers for the reply illkity
12 hours a day for a month :eek:

Sorry i seem to be completely hijacking this thread, riddarhusetgal if you mind just tell me to fuck off, but its all for the cause of learning eh?... How often do profitable arbi pages become unprofitable? A month of living in my bedroom might be worth the $100 a day if its going to last 6 months+, but not if its going to die after a month or two.

Cheers for the reply illkity

No not at all, highjack away. I'm just a bit bloody frustrated, 'cause I get alot of impressions but no clicks :( [I think I need a virtual hung]. I can do teh 12 hours a day for a month straight to get there. I need a mentor. Janed, maybe your wife can give me some tips. I'd then happily donate money in her name to the charity of her choice :). If that doesn't work, I"ll donate that to her :> (serious!!)

I think my keyword research is fine, 'cause I am getting impressions, it's just the clicks are acting like real buggers!
I need a mentor. Janed, maybe your wife can give me some tips. I'd then happily donate money in her name to the charity of her choice :). If that doesn't work, I"ll donate that to her :> (serious!!)

we read something that inspired us immensely- and its not so much what we did but our thought process... we made goals of where we wanted to be- hung up signs all over the house- and ONLY did things that would get us there. we elminated IM things that were'nt pushing us toward our goal, we elimated certain hobbies temporarily, we streamlined things and hired someone to do yard work. its more a mentality than anything else. it may not be very specific, but its free of charge, and it really did work for us.
jened, what was the inspirational piece you read? sounds interesting.

we read something that inspired us immensely- and its not so much what we did but our thought process... we made goals of where we wanted to be- hung up signs all over the house- and ONLY did things that would get us there. we elminated IM things that were'nt pushing us toward our goal, we elimated certain hobbies temporarily, we streamlined things and hired someone to do yard work. its more a mentality than anything else. it may not be very specific, but its free of charge, and it really did work for us.
jened, what was the inspirational piece you read? sounds interesting.
I think jened was just making a generalization.

Inspiration could have come from anything. The success and progression of members here at WF, seeing Shoemoney's check pic, or reading Jon's deleted sitepoint thread, or whatever.
Ok, I am motivated!

Ok, I am motivated!
When I was out today and purchased a big White Board that I put behind my desk.
It now reads:

Think 80/20
Work all of the work time :)

Todays to-do list

Our projected baby's birth date of 10 Jan 2008

Wear My Glasses

My weight today and target weight in 30 days

:anon.sml:today I have done the items on the todo list already, weighed myself and found I lost 5 Kg in the last 4 weeks, worn my glasses more than normal and feel positive I will turn around my progress in arbi to start making some real money.
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