10 Things I Wished Someone Had Told Me

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Your LP doesn't have to sell a product. It just has to get the reader to click out where you want or fill in contact info.

Do the selling via autoresponder or let the merchant do it.
5. 1and1 for domain names, but not for hosting.

5. Namecheap FTW! Because if you want to be fucked around with and overpay you'll use GoDaddy.
Good read!
I was using godaddy, but the private reg is something I want. I guess I'll have to handle the 1and1 delays for now.
Do you guys just use moniker and pay the extra $2 private reg fee?

Whats so great about namecheap? I see that they do private reg for the same price as Moniker. But they say its a limited offer.

Choices Choices!
$20 a year for web hosting? LOLOL, and here I am shelling out $10/month over at Host Gator...

And I second Namecheap... free whois protection ftw.
$20 a year for web hosting? LOLOL, and here I am shelling out $10/month over at Host Gator...

And I second Namecheap... free whois protection ftw.

I had the same question where is $20 a year hosting that is still in business a year later?
#384 Get a VPS sooner rather then later. Start learning some unix, ssh, php, html, css

I often equate being in this business and not know the things above like being in a foreign country and not speaking the language. Can you get by? Yes!

Would it be a much better experience and will you understand whats going on more if you know the language? Or course.

Doesn't have to happen overnight but if you don't start now when are you going to?
#384 Get a VPS sooner rather then later. Start learning some unix, ssh, php, html, css

I often equate being in this business and not know the things above like being in a foreign country and not speaking the language. Can you get by? Yes!

Would it be a much better experience and will you understand whats going on more if you know the language? Or course.

Doesn't have to happen overnight but if you don't start now when are you going to?

i'm liking rails.. it makes php look like particle physics. been a php programmer for the better part of 7 years.. i'm full rails now.
#384 Get a VPS sooner rather then later. Start learning some unix, ssh, php, html, css

Right, use your server to house all of your "experiments" before attempting to create disasters with things in production. I would add to this list to start learning mod_security and Apache config, more SSH, encryption like PGP and Hushmail, and avoiding cleartext FTP by using SFTP and secure copy.
Elaborating even more - you should be running dev sites for all your sites. Even with dev databases. I learned this a long time in the corporate world.
1 - Usually the most counter-intuitive thing is what converts browsers into buyers.
2 - Google hates all sites for the first 6 months usually. Don't let fluctuating rankings get you down.
3 - Multi-tasking does NOT work! (for me anyways)
4 - Try to DIY, but don't be afraid to outsource if it comes down to it.
5 - Make a goal and give it a time frame.

That's all I got.
This was very helpful for me. I am finding a lot of my sites are fluctuating a lot in google but they are also only a month old so I will wait it out.
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