$10 Landing Pages [WF Special]

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Ordered some LPs on the 29th, got them fully coded by yesterday, very satisfied with the turn around time and quality ;)

Still waiting

I am still waiting for mine.
I got the preview, which was sweet.

So why am I not pissed at the long wait?
Easy, this is such a ridiculousy low price, I am not gonna bitch about a few days wait.
Only reason I am writing this is because I missed the opportunity to start the campaign this weekend. awww... shucks.

In reality, I really did not expect logiik would be able to keep up with the 1-day turnaround time
Dude, you gotta be swamped right now. :D

Still, I am gonna stick with him, so please tell us here -

What will you charge after this offer expires?
  • Landing page
  • Website design
  • Blog design
  • Logo Design
Will there be special rates for WF members?
With your new found experience, please also give us estimated turnaround times for each of these.

As you are not checking in here too often, it would be kind of you to provide some alternative way to contact you in case of emergencies.
  • AIM
  • Website
  • email
  • whatever
Thank you,
hey emp. haha, i was thinking of replying to this thread to and letting everyone know what's up before i even read your post. thanks though ;)

i went into this thing expecting landing pages to be a piece of cake to whip up and make some extra money.

but i'm a designer -- and designers don't like to show previews of shit that is ugly. and tha'ts how i am and i'm usually in photoshop until i get it right.

anwway, i'd like to apologize to the clients right now that are being delayed. i'm SWAMPED. i didn't predict this haha.

i will not make any of you wait longer than a week for your stuff though. whatever i deliver - it's gonna kick ass.

right now, i'm gonna finish up my batch that i have and get my shit together as far as calculating how many projects i can take on at at ime.. and turn around times.

also, please understand this is my first shot at this so of course the experience is gonna be rocky. but so far, everybody has been EXTREMELY satisfied with my work.

Here is a little case study of my "little business" so far. Hopefully it'll give my current clients some insight and people in the future looking to provide similar services.

1) Don't accept too much work thinking you can handle it. You can't. And that's the truth.

2) With cheap prices, people are gonna come a lot. Your clients don't care if you're charging them $10 or $100 - they expect QUICK turn-around times and QUALITY shit. If you can't give that to them - don't try. You'll disappoint.

Like me, there are clients where their stuff is so easy that I breeze through the work. And then there's days where I have no creativity at all and I can't do shit. I'm making ugly boxes in photoshop. My font styles look like shit. It happens to me. It happens to a lot of designers.

Also, when you accept too much work - you need to keep track of your clients. I've accepted work and payment from some clients where then I check my PMs 2 days later and I'm like "OH SHIT -- i totally forgot about this fool" and I'm rushing to get some previews out.

I want all my current customers to know that I'm not gonna ditch or scam you with your money. Please bare with me as I try to please EVERYONE.

I know there's a few of you where I've been fucking up on deadlines and there's a few of you where I'm just hitting it on time and that's cool. But I don't wanna disappoint anyone right now.

So this post is just to let you know my situation and that I'm fucking up with a few clients but I'll make that up by delivering HIGH QUALITY shit.

As for the ones that were happy with my work -- no problem!

And emp: I've PMed you with my contact information.

- logiik
Also, to my current clients: I have a little bit of something worked on ALL your pages.

However, I don't like showing work that is really incomplete or shit that is ugly. Just bear with me. If you want an update, PM me. I don't have the time to PM you guys every day and let you know what's going on.

Just know that I'm working on your shit and it's gonna look nice when I send it to you.
Not a problem and thanks for the update!

Things to help creativity:

Get a new sack of smoke.
Switch to Corona
Get some poon
Go to the beach and chill or just go outside and disconnect
Get some more poon
Clean out the bong

Another thing that I would like to add.. when I made my prices, I TOTALLY forgot about the coding portion. But I'm not gonna change my prices now. I said I would run my offer through June and I'm gonna do that.

Basically, a landing page, on average (not counting breaks in between), takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to design. That's when my creativity is at its highest. So I thought, "wow this is easy."

I forgot about the coding part though. Coding is a bitch to me. HAHA, I code with tables... and i'm alright with straight up xhtml/css but sometimes have to add tables because i can't afford to read up tutorials and how to fix a position problem.

So coding takes me awhile. I usually put that on my list of things to do but it's at the bottom after the design projects so sometimes I miss the deadlines for that.

It sucks.
Ok, here's my last post before I get back to work.

For newbies that wanna offer design services and steal the competition:
LEARN HOW TO DESIGN MODERN/WEB 2.0-ish style websites. The gel. The gloss. The big buttons. The shit that stands out. That shit sells. Learn that shit. Don't waste your time with tutorials teaching you how to make that cool abstract wallpaper, or cool custom signature for your gaming forum, or bullshit like that. Learn what I told you and you'll get people wanting to pay you for work.

Another thing I wanna add to a previous post (I'm too lazy to go back and edit), when you're a designer doing freelance work, you will have clients that don't expect day-to-day updates from you. They just want their shit. And then there's clients that will nag you everyday if you miss a deadline ;) (i'm not dropping names) - but that's normal. Gotta deal with it. Get your shit done and impress them.

You know - I'm an honest guy and I will admit it if I fuck up :)

Ok, that's all i have to say.

Have a nice day WickedFire!
No problem and just keep mine simple tables on the ones I sent you :rasta: that should take a little strain off the brain :D
BTW for those reading this thread.

Don't even think I'm fucking up on everybody's deadline. I'm NOT. ahaha i get my shit done even though it's not on time for some people.
I just got mine today, it looks pretty fresh LOL
I sent you a PM with 2 revision :bigear:

Nice work So far

I'll vouch for Logiik that the work I have "previewed" looks fucken great. But it's only been previews so far.

It's funny how you turned into a case study now on opening a business on WF.

All I say Logiik is that I have been running my own show most all my life. Whether I was selling pounds of chronic in Huntington Beach or selling houses in the mountains to now, serving loans and travel to consumers. Do you want to know the gloden rule of running a business.


I've worked 48 hours straight with no sleep to get to people what I promise because in life Logiik, Your word is everything.

Even if it kills you in trying to accomplish the task. That's the fastest way to lose credibility and new clients. Especially here on the WF.

That said I agree that it's a very low price but I am happy with what I have seen and I give his ass Rep points for taking it like a man and making a post about it. But in the future guys like me would rather pay the full price on anything to get good service and met deadlines because our lives revolve around that. Our clients expect it and so do we.

I was planning to do a Post in BYA style :repuke: this morning but I'm gad you Manned Up and explained yourself.

Now get to fucken work and thanks for manning up.
Looks like you could use a user login page and once a user logs in you can provide links to previews and ETA on things. User can submit images etc..

Shit.. I could use something like that too!

Anyone know of something on the cheap that can do it?
anyone willing to post a screenshot of logik LP he made for you?

just wanna get an idea of his style of creating these LP...
I know you're busy, but please respond to my PM's. I need to know how the LP is going. Thanks.
Not to complain, but let me just share my factual experience - I have 4 LP's I need done and I have given Logiik only one so far because I know how busy he is and I want to see his work. It is a really simple landing page but I have provided him with a ton of detail and even an example of what I'd like.

After being promised a full preview in 1-2 days, here is what I have received after 3.5 days... a preview of a page that is text only and pretty bad at that... it seriously would have taken him no more than 10 minutes to create. Maybe his work is great from those of you that have seen it, but I am insulted that he would promise me a full preview in 1-2 days but only show me 10 minutes worth of work atfter almost 4 days, and there is not one ounce of creative input from him... he just wrote out my text copy in photoshop.

We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll have to take all this back by the time he's done.
I'm bumping this to the top because I paid Logiik for a LP in 5/31 and after receiving my payment and sending one confirmation PM on the same day he stopped responding completely to me. I've sent him more than 4 PMs on 3 different days since then and have had no reply. I have yet to see a preview much less the finished product. His estimated "turnaround time" is completely misleading and his communication is horrible. Buyers beware. (If I don't actually ever get the LP I paid for, I'll post that soon too). I repeat: BUYERS BEWARE!
I second SEODave. Logiik has stopped responding to emails and hasn't refunded me as I told him yesterday that he can refund me if he is too busy and wants to forget about my project.

I would NOT buy from him again!

If Logiik scammed me, I don't care about the $10 at all; it's the principles involved. That fucker should at least refund if he's not gonna deliver.

I'm bumping this to the top because I paid Logiik for a LP in 5/31 and after receiving my payment and sending one confirmation PM on the same day he stopped responding completely to me. I've sent him more than 4 PMs on 3 different days since then and have had no reply. I have yet to see a preview much less the finished product. His estimated "turnaround time" is completely misleading and his communication is horrible. Buyers beware. (If I don't actually ever get the LP I paid for, I'll post that soon too). I repeat: BUYERS BEWARE!
Yeah, I paid for a full coded site design (which was more than $10), and he's stopped responding.

I'm not going to throw in the towel yet, since it's still relatively early days; this post is really to let him know that I'd appreciate some response to my emails, even if it is to say "you're at the back of the queue, I'll be finished in July".

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