★★★★★ The final YELP guide. ★★★★★


Oct 10, 2013
New York, NY
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★★★★★ The final YELP guide. ★★★★★

What if you didn't have to buy reviews ever again? What if you didn't even have to ask your own customers? What if you just had the #1 spot with a 5 star rating regardless of... pretty much anything?

Awhile ago I wrote a Yelp post here that a few entrepreneurs in LA and NY took and used with great success to build their empires. At the time, we thought that was as good as it gets. We were so wrong.

Today I bring you the final solution to the Yelp problem. (For those who care about Angie's List, Home Advisor, Trip Advisor, or any of the other review-based platforms, these methods work just as well.)

I'm asking 20k USD in Bitcoin for this guide. The guide itself is made up of a series of videos going over the different technologies involved. You'll have me available to help with questions along the way.

Buyers please get your Skype info to me via me or my references that post below. After I can do a little vetting of you and your business, I'll share what you're getting into, at which point your adrenaline will start pumping and you'll see money signs. #feelsgoodman

A couple of reputable members from this forum that know me IRL, and have worked with me on my own businesses, will be posting as references shortly.

"But why are you selling it if it's so good then?" Because I got extremely lucky with Bitcoin and don't need any of this anymore. I'm selling my house, cars, businesses, and traveling for a few years. I'll probably die of a coke overdose in some shitty European country. Hope that helps.
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So I've known OP for several years.

Done business with him on several projects and talked to him on Skype/Slack a lot over the years about different business opportunities we could both do.

Hell, he even got me into Bitcoin.

Here are a couple things I can vouch for that may help you. Some aren't directly related to this thread, but I think they speak volumes.

1. He's one of these guys that gets shit done. Not too many people are like that these days. Most people drop the ball. Even worse, most people can't even get a ball to then drop it. I haven't meet too many people like OP that can come up with an idea, and then figure it out on their own to the deepest depths that he does. Some of the things he has figured out ( and done to figure out ) blow my mind. I'm always in shock of the stuff he gets done and figures out.

2. What he has works. I've seen it first hand work. I even planned on working with him to improve it but never got into it myself because he was able to pull it all off himself. I was even gonna resell it but I got busy in my own ventures with other projects.

3. If something breaks, he figures out how to get around it. OP doesn't just come up with 1 tactic and let it be. He is in getting his hands dirty and has came up with new tricks and tactics all the time. What he is offering is the cumulation of his work.

4. OP has always paid me on time for any and all work I've done with him. I know this isn't part of this thread, but this isn't some dodgy guy looking to run a scam and leave you hanging high and dry.

5. Once a few people buy this, I know the method will get abused. It's easy to pull off once you understand how it works. Once it gets abused you know what happens then. You need to be one of the first getting in on this method before it's too late.

6. $20k bitcoin is kinda cheap for what this can do for someone that relies on local review type sites for traffic, because this can be used beyond the platform mentioned.

It gets my approval nod
Here’s the difference between what Alex is selling and the rest of the filth you’ll come across on WF: Alex actually uses this shit.

His businesses have relied on it and since he’s moved on to new ventures, he’s not afraid of competitors using his shit against him. Most vendors here will make bold claims that their half-baked garbage will make you bank but they know full well the only person making anything is them.

And you know how to spot the difference? OP hasn’t been peddling offers and other nonsense on WF like these other guys have. He’s been quietly making tons of $$$ using this exact knowledge hoping no one would catch on before he could make his way out.

I’ve known Alex for over 5 years and the dude is no nonsense. Hell he might not even accept your offer to buy this guide if he doesn’t think you’re up to snuff.

$20k would be expensive if the dude was building you Web 2.0s and social bookmarks. But he’s showing you how to blow past your competitors. If you can’t recoup the 20k within two months of implementing this guide, the problem is your business.

When it comes to dominating Yelp, Alex knows his shit.
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