Polish President & 87 other people from goverment died in plane crush

1st in katyn loads of polis hofficer were executed during war
now preseident and governemtn heads while flying to the place died in a bad crush
here you go, knock yourselves out

Brief: Polish President Killed In Plane Crash
April 10, 2010 1044 GMT
Applying STRATFOR analysis to breaking news
Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and 87 other people aboard the presidential jet were killed April 10 after the plane crashed on the approach to the Smolensk airport in western Russia. Some reports have put the death toll as high as 130, though that number has not been officially confirmed. The weather conditions around Smolensk are reported to have been foggy and the plane is believed to have missed the runway on the pilot's fourth attempt at landing, crashing into nearby trees. According to the Polish Foreign Ministry, also on the plane were Army Chief of Staff Gen. Franciszek Gagor, National Bank President Slawomir Skrzypek and Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Kremer. The presidential Tu-154 jet was around 20 years old, and there had been discussions in Poland on replacing it, but no replacement had been purchased due to insufficient funding. Kaczynski was on his way to Smolensk to mark the 70-year anniversary of the Katyn massacre, during which Soviet soldiers executed Polish officers. He had refused to attend an earlier Katyn ceremony organized by the Russian government that his prime minister -- and domestic rival -- Donald Tusk attended with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin only a few days earlier. The purpose of the Russian ceremony was to reset relations between Warsaw and Moscow, but also to drive a wedge between anti-Russian forces in Polish politics -- led by Kaczynski -- and those open to an accommodation with Russia, led by Tusk. Because of Kaczynski's outspoken criticism of Russia, his death will undoubtedly spin Warsaw into a frenzy of conspiracy theories ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. Kaczynski was going to face a stiff challenge from Tusk's ally and the current speaker of the parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski, who will take over the presidency according to the Polish constitution. It is highly likely that Kaczynski's right-wing nationalist supporters will see the accident as more than just related to foggy conditions, further dividing nationalists and centrists in Poland.
Oh come on, you guys aren't even trying. Here you go, some inspiration:

All about Poland. Polish News from Poland and Abroad.

I like "Did Euro-Arab axis killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski?"

I also like "Hi Guys Iam British And i am went out a polish girl twice"

If Russia did it, they would spread a bunch of similar-sounding, but ridiculous theories in order to obfuscate. They've done it before. Clearly it works on some people.
The notable people who died (according to CNN anyways)

Lech Kaczynski -- Polish president
Maria Kaczynska -- The president's wife
Ryszard Kaczorowski -- Poland's last president-in-exile
Aleksander Szczyglo -- head of the National Security Office
Pawel Wypych -- presidential aide
Mariusz Handzlik -- presidential aide
Jerzy Szmajdzinski -- deputy parliament speaker
Andrzej Kremer -- Deputy Foreign Minister
Gen. Franciszek Gagor -- head of the army chief of staff
Andrzej Przewoznik -- minister in charge of WWII memorials
Slawomir Skrzypek -- head of the National Bank of Poland
Janusz Kurtyka -- head of the National Remembrance Institute
Przemyslaw Gosiewski -- lawmaker
Zbigniew Wassermann -- lawmaker
Grzegorz Dolniak -- lawmaker
Janusz Kochanowski -- civil rights commissioner
Bishop Tadeusz Ploski -- army chaplain

... that bites hard, not only the president but their entire military top, and the head of their national bank.
Here's what I don't get

Information varied on how many people were on board the plane. The Polish Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry said 89 people died in the crash. The Russian Investigation Committee said there were 132 people on the plane.

The Polish ministry figures 89 people died (even saying there were no survivor, so obviously had to know the crew/passenger manifest to have a count of dead instead of some dead and some missing). Yet the russian committee puts the count at 132 which is 39 more people than what the ministry said was on the plane. I can see a skewed number of say 2-5 or so, but how do they come up with 39 more. And seeing as this was a delegation flight the polish committee would know for sure how many folks were on the plane.
I can see a skewed number of say 2-5 or so, but how do they come up with 39 more.

That's because the CIA warned some of the most loyal puppets right before the flight and they didn't board. Obviously, Russia didn't have the updated passenger list.
You can imagine the amount of information about this in the the media being here now. Gov situation is pretty fucked up, people are sad. Nothing like this happened before and it's still hard to believe.