WTF Obama?!?

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He's not putting his hand over his heart like everyone else.

Which is freaking awesome, since you're only supposed to do that during the pledge of allegiance anyway. Props to him for not following the pack like the rest of the sheep.
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Something is mentally wrong with this guy. He sure is making history...history that will be used against him if he is nominated. Check it out.

ChrisS said:
Which is freaking awesome, since you're only supposed to do that during the pledge of allegiance anyway. Props to him for not following the pack like the rest of the sheep.

I have to say, this is probably the worst rendition of the National Anthem I have ever heard. Whoever performed that should never be allowed on stage again.
You can't judge him just cuz he didn't put his hand on his heart and ChrisS is right, you only do that during the pledge :p
not so fast...

source: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Barack Obama and the National Anthem

c'mon now... you people should know better than to get your facts from youtube comments...

:bowdown:Tx Poto. Should have posted proof of the tradition first.

I have to say, this is probably the worst rendition of the National Anthem I have ever heard. Whoever performed that should never be allowed on stage again.

Yes. That was a shame. :anon.sml: She would have been gonged or yanked off the Apollo stage. I love the anthem -- just not the singer's talents being displayed.

You can't judge him just cuz he didn't put his hand on his heart and ChrisS is right, you only do that during the pledge :p

His actions judge themselves. He did not miss a beat any other time and he even looked directly st the others on the stage. Although he may have looked silly for placing his hand on his heart at the time he noticed the others on stage; he seemingly chose to be arrogant and not give the proper respect during the national anthem.
as an Ex-Marine I find it disgraceful that a man seeking the office of the president thinks it's perfectly acceptable to stand there and twiddle his thumbs during the national anthem...

that's the last I'll say about this...
as an Ex-Marine I find it disgraceful that a man seeking the office of the president thinks it's perfectly acceptable to stand there and twiddle his thumbs during the national anthem...

that's the last I'll say about this...

As a current USAF member I definitely agree.

Off topic - my hat is off to you poto, some of the best times I've had in the service thus far have been when I was working with the Marines
how come none of the presidential candidates showed up to the superbowl? they always are flashing to celebrities in teh crowd and its the most televised event. They should just show up, not shockingly a lot of people would vote for a candidate just on that.
as an Ex-Marine I find it disgraceful that a man seeking the office of the president thinks it's perfectly acceptable to stand there and twiddle his thumbs during the national anthem...

that's the last I'll say about this...

It did look out of place, and a little odd that he knew the others were doing it.
did it ever occur to you jerks that maybe he's just got a hoof hand and is a little self-conscious about it?

I went to school with a girl who was born without a right arm. You going to go beat her up now with you're patriot sticks? huh! huh! :D
did it ever occur to you jerks that maybe he's just got a hoof hand and is a little self-conscious about it?

I went to school with a girl who was born without a right arm. You going to go beat her up now? huh! huh! :D

Oh my God! You are so right! But I thought it was a cloven hoof:error:
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