CPA Network Pays in Bitcoin?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Anyone know of a CPA Network or Advertiser paying in Bitcoin yet? I would assume it would have already happened.

Not sure there is really none but...
paying with bitcoins over a payment system which are then instant exchanged to real money is one thing.

B2B with bitcoin without exchaning? Let the coin crash and bitcoin can do it in hours. If you are unlucky holding enough right then the lose can easily kill you. In a business where you calculate with minimal margins per deal and the profit comes over the mass you want avoid a volatile payment.
Very good point since your CPA could be $10 dollars at the beginning of the week but if bitcoin drops your CPA can turn out to be $6 dollars. Maybe a network or advertiser can at least give you the option to get paid out in Bitcoin. If someone is long on bitcoin might be the way to go. Has to be a way to figure it out though. This might be the safest solution so far.
I think the volatility issues would be fine if the payout was based on the dollar, but converted into BTC right at the time of payout etc. But then you could just get your money and buy BTC with it so I don't see how that'd be useful.
I think Rotalihinna makes a good point exchange rate would be adjusted at the time of the payout. The main point is getting paid through a wire transfer or paypal. There are fees associated with it. If your getting paid weekly over the year those fees add up. Why should the banks or paypal be taking a cut?. However with Bitcoin I think those fees would be dramatically reduce or if not be zero. Since overstock,dish tv and a few others are now taking bitcoin, didn't really think it's still in the "deep webs" or fraud publisher way to get paid. And I will pass on the 10% cut thanks for asking.
I think Rotalihinna makes a good point exchange rate would be adjusted at the time of the payout. The main point is getting paid through a wire transfer or paypal. There are fees associated with it. If your getting paid weekly over the year those fees add up. Why should the banks or paypal be taking a cut?. However with Bitcoin I think those fees would be dramatically reduce or if not be zero. Since overstock,dish tv and a few others are now taking bitcoin, didn't really think it's still in the "deep webs" or fraud publisher way to get paid. And I will pass on the 10% cut thanks for asking.

ACH payments cost basically nothing in terms of fees

CPA networks have enough trouble paying publishers and staying in business without the added volatility of Bitcoin.
The volatility would only be an issue if they keep BTC reserves versus buying and transferring BTC to satisfy publisher invoices on demand, and with the last 24 hr dollar volume of BTC being equivalent to $20M; more than feasible.
If there is enough demand, networks will implement payments via Bitcoin. It's how networks wound up implementing payments via PayPal, ACH, wires and pre-paid credit cards.

As it is, there is almost zero demand for this payment method. That has to change before any networks will even begin thinking of implementation.
If there is enough demand, networks will implement payments via Bitcoin. It's how networks wound up implementing payments via PayPal, ACH, wires and pre-paid credit cards.

As it is, there is almost zero demand for this payment method. That has to change before any networks will even begin thinking of implementation.
This is fascinating, coming from you Steve...

I spend a lot of time talking with people in the bitcoin world who would race to suck you off if only you tell them where jobs that paid bitcoin are hiding.

I'm not talking about 10 people here... Thousands, at least. Maybe ten to 20 thousand people already, all wishing they could earn coin more steadily... An no, not all Indians... India doesn't "get" bitcoin yet; these are all Mericans, Canucks, and Yuropeens. (Chinese too, but I don't speak their language so I can't tell how many there are.)

Jobs sites like Coinality and scattered groups like this facebook page help them find coding gigs and of course 9to5 J-O-Bs, but what they really want is to work from home for some steady bitcoin.

All they need is training on the biz, and a guy like you to offer them their coins. Hmm....
I think the volatility issues would be fine if the payout was based on the dollar, but converted into BTC right at the time of payout etc. But then you could just get your money and buy BTC with it so I don't see how that'd be useful.

Think about it ;)
This is fascinating, coming from you Steve...

I spend a lot of time talking with people in the bitcoin world who would race to suck you off if only you tell them where jobs that paid bitcoin are hiding.

I'm not talking about 10 people here... Thousands, at least. Maybe ten to 20 thousand people already, all wishing they could earn coin more steadily... An no, not all Indians... India doesn't "get" bitcoin yet; these are all Mericans, Canucks, and Yuropeens. (Chinese too, but I don't speak their language so I can't tell how many there are.)

Jobs sites like Coinality and scattered groups like this facebook page help them find coding gigs and of course 9to5 J-O-Bs, but what they really want is to work from home for some steady bitcoin.

All they need is training on the biz, and a guy like you to offer them their coins. Hmm....
Fascinating maybe, but not that surprising. A network is in the business of providing good customer service, and if the customers demand Bitcoin payments, we'd be fools to ignore that.

The biggest hitch I see with paying in Bitcoin would be the same as I'd see in paying with anything else that's not a USD: exchange rate volatility. If there is a significant change in the exchange rate from when USD is converted to BTC and then subsequently changed back into USD (for traffic purchases, etc.), margins could be eliminated.

Show of hands: how many affiliates on WF would want to be paid in Bitcoin?
I would be interested to get paid in BTC. It's definitely not going away anytime soon and at least where I live BTC is not taxed unless you decide to cash out.
Affiliate marketing is global with pubs all over the world. There should be an option to be paid in bitcoin. Maybe cake or hasoffers needs to incorporate it in their tracking systems. Steve more information can be found here But volatility wouldn't happen since you would only do the exchange instantly at the time of pay period ending or when you pay your pubs. Any potential volatility would occur if the pub decides to exchange out of bitcoin to their desired currency. However, I'm assuming your Ukrainian(if you have any) pubs in the last year would be more please to be paid in bitcoin then USD exchanged to UAH.
If there is enough demand, networks will implement payments via Bitcoin. It's how networks wound up implementing payments via PayPal, ACH, wires and pre-paid credit cards.

As it is, there is almost zero demand for this payment method. That has to change before any networks will even begin thinking of implementation.

Its not really that surprising from the amount of fraud and spam traffic that CPA Networks accept and payout on =]

How many wires do CPA Networks sent to Cyprus and offshore bank accounts? hrmmm

inb4 public facing statement "we dont accept spam traffic" etc. etc.