- POF Ads


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
This is totally random... but nowadays, when I think of POF or I think of Ben, not Markus. My my how things have changed.


[This is not an ad or anything. Just reflecting on random stuffs!]

I am curious though, since we stopped monitoring POF in general for a good two years now, how are the arbitrage plays doing there these days? What kinda ROI's are avg'ing? Anyone?

I gave POF a run and was not impressed.

I spent more time resubmitted ads, their approval team is so unpredictable. There were many times I contacted Ben and he agreed that the ads were good to go and approved them.
I had about $250 left in my account a few years back. They took it. I never went back, but felt it was too intensive (at the time) for justifying the paltry returns.
Left after wasting many thousands of dollars and barely breaking even meanwhile watching every paid forum ruthlessly push everyone into buying traffic there (and supplying the spy tools to ensure everyone failed). I'm in a Skype group for POF advertisers and it started with over 100 members and has since dwindled, basically a giant stream of people talking about how much $ they're losing and how inconsistent the traffic is.

Waste of time/money, can't imagine much has changed. I respect the hustle though.
They raised their min bit to 16c cpm(hurt alot of my broad campaigns with 10-15c CPM).
Over the years, CTRs have gone down and clicks are more expensive, but still a solid way to make some $.

That new 'login days' targeting seems worth a try.
definitely think of Ben more than Marcus as well these days...Ben pops up on every forum, conference and chat that mentions POF.

hard to talk about details without giving away my campaign details, but using POF to target micro-niches really pays off. BBW wealthy Baptist 33-37 without a car??? all day.

also does really well at the onset of a new trend. killed it with ecigs 2-3 years ago when that was hot then went dead in the water once everyone started copying campaign details.

other problem that I see is that sooo many people are making ppc "guides" with POF as the example traffic source that it is overrun with newbies that are doing nothing more than striaght up ripping campaign details, so there is a lot of that. they are also mostly doing it wrong in the fact that they are all going after the same shit. moreso than other traffic sources. its got such a low barrier to entry and compared to other traffic sources much less regulation with LPs.

as far as ROI's I've never had a campaign keep a steady ROI for more than 2-3 months. I've seen INSANE ROI's like you wouldn't beleive. thats the great part about POF is they are constantly attracting new users so ever 6 months or so its almost like you have a fresh user base to target (i.e. people actually use it to go on dates and enter relationships)

i do see campaigns that are running some sort of arbitrage but it doesnt seem to be affiliates, it seems to be brands that are funneling traffic to themselves. seems so bad for user experience but it must be working bc I keep seeing it. wont out them here but it is someone you see advertising on EVERY traffic source you can think of.
I had one campaign that did ~$300-$500 profit per month for over a year untouched until POF changed their terms on images and became as strict as facebook.

POF is pretty low volume unless you go super wide on your targeting, and when I did that my shit burned out so quick it wasn't worth the trouble.

Too many competitors for too little volume IMO.
Was literally talking about this yesterday with someone. He thought Ben was the owner, didn't even know who Markus was. Imagine how difficult it would be to fire Ben, literally everone spending over a few Ks a month on POF knows him.

Hopefully this thread will slow down the never ending stream of newbies who join, rip, waste money then leave all while raising the bids unnecessarily.

LOL Tags.
Thanks Jon, its nice to know the hustle has had an effect :) Next step? Face tattoo.

I'm not sure why people think POF is so competitive because when we cleaned up the site, all the affiliates who relied on cleavage/risky images for ROI basically got darwin'd. Adapt or die right?

It's way less competitive now than it was pre-May of this year. But, you're going to have to actually be a marketer and not rely on sex to sell. So the guys who were using less risky ads basically saw an overnight rise in ROI as people started dropping off. Plus we've added non-English countries now for you guys to bank off of.

And I don't want to comment too much on actual campaigns but to answer your question Jon, there are campaigns run by certain guys on auto-pilot for over a year now doing 30-50% ROI which is pretty good ROI given they spend 0 time on it.

Lastly, I'm working with ad approval to make sure the process is more smooth but until that team gets replaced w/ Japanese robots, human error will always occur. For example, one of the initiatives I'm testing right now is VIP approvals, which means no one touches your ads (or body) but me and/or Cyndi if I'm away. But she's a girl so.. ewwww AMIRITE?
I had a couple of good niche campaigns 2-3 years ago, then they changed the rules and killed that income.

I have yet to get a broad campaign profitable.
It's way less competitive now than it was pre-May of this year. But, you're going to have to actually be a marketer and not rely on sex to sell. So the guys who were using less risky ads basically saw an overnight rise in ROI as people started dropping off. Plus we've added non-English countries now for you guys to bank off of.

Wish I could drink the Kool-Aid bro.

I don't know how everyone has trouble on a website with plenty of fish.

I once heard a marketer say... think like the fish not like the fisherman...
I had 2 campaigns on there that were profitable for about a week. Bizopp and scholarships.

Traffic was steady, both got up near $50 profit daily, but my ads would always burn out. New images didn't work, and the new angles I tried never pulled as hard as the original.

I think if I went back, and found 2 more winning angles, and only ran the campaign every other day or only ran 1 angle per day I could mitigate burnout and have a profitable campaign.

POF can work, the only problem is at what scale?