Search results

  1. soultrain

    Networking Help: Setting up a remote access point by setting up a VPN within a VPS

    Hello everyone, I'm at my wits end here, I have been working on this problem for weeks and it is getting a bit frustrating. I think that there have got to be others out there who are trying to do the same thing. Essentially, here is the situation: I have several seller accounts on ebay...
  2. soultrain

    VPN Services with Fixed IP address?

    Hello everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a network of numerous seller accounts on ebay and other sites, to diversify so that I'm not selling through just one account. In order to do this, I need to make sure that I'm using different IP addresses when accessing each account to make them...
  3. soultrain

    Profanity in FB ads?

    First off I apologize if I'm "outing" an ad, let me know and I can edit out the link. But I was just surfing FB and noticed an ad presented to me that had "FUCK" in the image. Check it out: Any word on if this is going to be allowed? It would seem to certainly open some floodgates. Or did...
  4. soultrain

    Questions about non-competitive adwords bids

    Hello everyone, My first question is: Does quality score affect bid prices for very non-competitive keywords? Let's say that you are the only person bidding for a keyword, and you can easily bid $0.05. If you have a really shitty quality score of 1, does that bid still stay at just $0.05, or...
  5. soultrain

    Effectiveness of vendor LPs for CPS offers?

    I know that it's important to create your own LP for PPC traffic. I'm wondering in general which is more effective: 1) At the end of your LP, have a link to "read more" or whatever and then direct the user to the LP of the vendor. 2) Create a full-out sales LP and simply have a "buy now" link...
  6. soultrain

    Adwords Images: "Pending Review" - how long to wait?

    Hi everyone, I've thrown up some Image advertisements for Google Display Network and they've been "pending review" for over 24 hours now. They're completely white-hat, inoffensive, etc, so it should be a no-brainer for them to get accepted. Anyone have any idea how long it usually takes? I...
  7. soultrain

    Adwords Display Network: What does 'ROS' (and others) mean?

    I am placing some ads on Google Display Network, and while looking at a list of possible sites for placement, some of the sites have "appears on: ROS" or "appears on: RON". I am wondering what this means? Also, does "multiple locations" mean that the advertisement will show up on multiple...
  8. soultrain

    ClickBank tracking for foreign-language products

    Hey everyone, I'm going to be promoting a product off clickbank that is available in english and spanish. On CB, when I click to get a hoplink, it only gives me one for the english version. Anyone know how to get one for the spanish version? I know that I can go to the vendor's site and get...
  9. soultrain

    Using Frames to cloak Affiliate URLs allowed?

    Hey everyone, I'm getting into AM, advertising through FB, and the landing pages for the offers I'm going to be advertising all have nasty-looking URLs ( or whatever. If I create an html file and host it at [] with a frame src...
  10. soultrain

    Beginning FB & AM, how to start out most efficiently?

    Hello everyone, I'm about to get started advertising affiliate links on facebook, and am operating with a rather limited budget. I would like to know which of these two scenarios would be most efficient/effective given a rather limited budget. 1) Advertise 4 different products, with 8 ad...
  11. soultrain

    Facebook: Problem targeting one-word interests

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to target specific one-word interests in facebook, but unfortunately their piece of shit ad-creation tool won't let me. For the sake of argument, let's pretend that my keyword is "fishing". (Even though on FB if you type in 'fishing', that pops up as a viable...
  12. soultrain

    Facebook Ad Targeting: Boolean operators?

    Hello everyone, I'm doing some FB advertising, and in the "likes & interests" targeting category, if you enter multiple items (x and y), it will target people who like x OR y. Is there any way to target people who like x AND y? Obviously google has these capabilities and I would hope that FB...