Search results

  1. LegitAM

    Tip For BST Sellers

    People without images can't see your order forms if you only hyperlink images. I don't enable images on my profile, so all I see is the image links, not the buy form links. I think you might be losing out on sales if you are doing this, so I'd suggest putting in raw text links to your buy form...
  2. LegitAM

    Coral Reef Tanks - Anyone do these?

    Been interested in starting one up lately, does anyone here maintain one? I've been looking at going sub 20 gallon to keep it small, but I've read the smaller they are the harder to maintain. If you do have one, what kind of coral/livestock do you have?
  3. LegitAM

    MONEYLINKS. Manually Built Niche Networks

    We’ve been through Panda & Penguin. So have our links. You know how great blog networks are, after all… Google is putting in the effort to manually nuke them. Imagine owning your own mini niche network. Well that’s exactly what we’re doing for you. Our team will be building you the exact...
  4. LegitAM

    automated posting to pinterest from WP?

    Any favorite tools being used to syndicate content to pinterest automatically?
  5. LegitAM

    You want to make more money with current traffic levels?

    I consider myself a "growth hacker" (lolz). So nowz I will givez you some must have tools for making more moniez with current traffic. 1.) Optimizely - test test test. 2.) Crazy Egg - connect this to optimizely through the API keys. 3.) Mouseflow - create variable tags and WIN Make sure you...
  6. LegitAM

    Laptop suggestions: MBA vs alternatives

    About due for a new laptop and looking for suggestions. Currently looking at the new macbook air (I'm a mac fan boy), but the one thing I hate is running all my programs on a virtual box. Any alternative suggestions? I'm not a gamer, so none of that crazy shit matters to me. Budget: $1400 and...
  7. LegitAM

    anyone have Yahoo level 2 accounts?

    need to buy 1, hit me up if you do. need it asap
  8. LegitAM

    Anyone tracked adsense clicks with their own scripts?

    have any of you guys tracked adsense clicks with your own scripts? Having a hard time finding a solid answer on whether this is allowed or not.
  9. LegitAM

    Pixel question -Multiple campaigns, 1 offer, only 1 pixel allowed...

    So I am running with an advertiser and they only allow 1 pixel to be placed. I have 15 different pages (each with its own campaign & pixel to track), how do I go about this with P202? Can I do something like CID=11,2,13,14,15,16 with each # representing each individual campaign pixel?
  10. LegitAM

    Do You Have Contacts At Gizmodo, Tech Crunch, or any other big tech blog?

    Looking for contact info or any "ins" that some of you may have at these sites. I have something I'd like to get published that is some high quality content.
  11. LegitAM

    SEO Guys (B2b) Do You like What You Do?

    Those of you who have been in the business awhile b2b style, do you like what you do still? Is the stress worth it all? I ask because I closed my client acceptance awhile ago due to school, however I am soon to graduate and debating whether to start accepting clients again. However, I do not...
  12. LegitAM

    6,000 Wiki Unique Domains + 150 Niche Twitter Replies. Get Results From Your Social

    Hey guys, this is a service I've been doing internally on my stuff for awhile and found it to work great. Modern times are shifting and you can't just focus about moving up the SERPS as quick as possible... you need social, interaction, and community involvement. This service does just that...
  13. LegitAM

    PrivateLabeling - How did you get started?

    Sup guys, so been in the tangible product game for a couple years off and on, progressed more seriously into it in november/december, and now I am beginning to take the research steps to launch my own product line (single product with variations). I have a manufacturer, and on ebay this...
  14. LegitAM

    Prosper 202 and Conversion tracking with MSN Adcenter?

    Hey guys, trying to setup some PPC for adcenter, and I cannot get the conversion tracking to work. Can anybody who has experience with this let me know what they did for it to work?
  15. LegitAM

    SerpJuice V2: Blog Posts, Social Factors, Wikis, and Results

    Hey WF'ers, going to keep this pretty straight forward and let the results speak for themself. After extensive and tedious testing, we have developed a service that is sure to boost your SERPS. We've been using this on our own stuff and our clients with great movement so we thought it was about...
  16. LegitAM

    WikiBOOST: 1-3k Unique Domain Wikis, unique content Reviews Available

    Looking for wikis on unique domains? We've got you covered... Take your pick from package sizes of: 1,000 unique domain wikis $20.00 2,000 unique domain wikis $35.00 3,000 unique domain wikis $45.00 Click Here To Order Wiki List Highlights: EDU: 66 Gov: 1 * You will receive a random...
  17. LegitAM

    Wordpress Q: How to display different featured image on category view and post view?

    Working with the Rockwell theme, and i'm trying to figure out how I can display a featured image on the category page, then display a different one on the post itsself? All help is appreciated and happy to pay for help as well.
  18. LegitAM

    Serp Juice: Blog posts, Social factors, wikis, and more

    Hey WF'ers, going to keep this pretty straight forward and let the results speak for themself. After extensive and tedious testing, we have developed a service that is sure to boost your SERPS. We've been using this on our own stuff and our clients with great movement so we thought it was about...
  19. LegitAM

    WP coding help - how to hide footer for certain categories

    Hey guys, working on a site right now and Im trying to hide the footers for certain categories. The info in the footer.php is being used for each category, and when I do the usual if in_category it works, but only for a single category. As soon as I put in any of the others it messes up. I...
  20. LegitAM

    WordPress Dev's - I need a plugin/widget done RIGHT NOW

    Hey guys, i need a wordpress programmer to make me a plugin right now. Coding is already existing i just need it turned into a widget with some things. Send me a pm!