Search results

  1. C

    North Korean Aggression

    Looks like NK's leader is becoming more and more aggressive towards South Korea and the U.S. Hopefully he understands that any attack right now would mean a very strong retaliation from those attacked. Both the South Koreans and the Americans are on the alert. I truly hope this is all just...
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    Best Internet Connection in Rural Areas

    I just bought a place on 9 acres outside the cable companies area. What are my best options for the fastest hook up? I know I can get DSL but I'm hoping there is something better. Ideas?
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    Happy Birthday USA !

    Happy Birthday today to the good old USA ! We might not be the best, but we sure as hell aint the worst !
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    Binary Options Anyone ?

    Any of you guys invest in these ? Ifso what has been your experience ? Who do you use ?
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    Ever Forget About a Site ?

    Have any of you ever forgotten about a site you built ? I was looking over some notes today and discovered a site I made a while back that completely slipped my mind. Needless to say that bothered me. How do you guys keep track of your sites ? I think I really need to get some kind of...
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    Two images in TwentyTen header?

    What I'm looking to do is change this header into a custom one. I would like to have one small image to the left and the other to fill out the header. I'm not a programmer by any means so that is out of the question. Is there any easy way to do this or do I need to outsource it ?
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    Locked out of WP-ADMIN

    Well I do have the login written down SOMEWHERE, but that somewhere I can't find. I tried all the combinations I usually use but to no luck. To top it all off I don't have a usable backup of the site either. Do I have any alternatives other than nuking the install and starting over ?
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    WP Theme for Amaniche ?

    Hey Guys ! I about to set up some Amazon sites. What themes would you recommend for sites like this ? I've bought the Amaniche plug in but it doesn't like the theme I picked. :(
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    Tag Clouds ?

    Are tag clouds helpfull for a site or are they just so much eye candy ?
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    WPZonBuilder or WPAmaniche ?

    For those of you that have used both, which one do you like best ? Zon is about twice the cost of AMA but price really isn't my main concern. Guess what I'm asking is which one is the easiest to work with. Which one gives better results ? Thx.
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    OK..... When I first came here I spent a lot of time reading posts. I understood some of it and other things not so much. Google and research are your friends ! After a while I decided to Get Off The Fucking Couch (GOTFC) and threw up my first site ! It was a site in an obscure health related...
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    WP Twenty Ten Theme Help Please !

    Ok, I'm really new to the WordPress platform and really need a little help. You guys are going to think I'm retarded but WTF. :) So here's my problem..... I want to add an ad block or possibly two right under the header. I need the block to stay there even after new posts are added. I tried...
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    FTP Client ?

    What's a good FTP client for a Windows 7 Box ? I've heard of Filezilla, SmartFTP and a few others. Which program is the one most of you guys use ?
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    Ipad Purchase ?

    My wife wants an Ipad and I thought I would get her one for Christmas. Question is: What's the best place to get a decent deal on one ?
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    Favicons ?

    First off sorry if this is not the right section. I just want to ask if you think favicons help any. I mean are they just a bunch of eye candy or do they really help to get people to remember your site.
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    Worst Holiday Weekend Ever !

    It started twelve days ago when I got a case of the early flu. By last Monday I was starting to feel better and get my energy back. As the week went on I started to feel worse. wtf? Well on Friday I was having trouble breathing and was about to fall out at work. Went to the doc-in-the-box only...
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    Mothers Day ?

    Give that special woman in your life the gift of flowers today. :)
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    WP Themes in other Software

    I know this may seem a stupid question to most of you, but what the hell. :) Is it possible to use WP themes with say XsitePro ? The reason I ask is there are some great themes being spread around that I would like to use with this. Seriously, I'm looking for help. Not dickrolls or smart ass...
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    Web Creation Software

    Which of the multitude of web site creation products do you experienced guys recommend ? Until I can learn enough coding to make a decent site I need a little help with creating one. :)
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    New Promo

    I recently signed up to be an affiliate of a product that looked like it had some promise. Well after a short time I checked my LP. Sure enough it had my AFF name at the top and as far as I know my link embedded in the page. I did some bum marketing to test the waters with it. I Googled the...