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  1. R

    [WTB] Spinnable Articles

    I am interested in buying spinnable articles. So what i need? 1 Original ezine quality article written(will be used for ezinearticles submission. 49 spun variations of that article. It should be sentence or para level spun. content must be well readable after spin. It should not be word level...
  2. R

    What happened to shawn?

    Anybody knows what happed to Shawn Hogan? any latest news? i have heard that dp has lost their adsense account,so they are implementing their own advertising campaign.
  3. R

    3000 Backlinks : 1000 Blogposts :Different C Class ips : Review Copies

    Ya You Have Read The Headline Correctly Greetings From Raju D. I operate 1000+ WPMU and WP Blogs All are on 100s of Different C class ips. Many Domains are with PR up to PR 5. All Domains are never dealt with port, warez, gambling or any illegal activities. Want Some Proof? Here is the...
  4. R

    Digg/Yahoo Buzz Marketing Service- buy dig/yahoo buzz votes–Your Way to FP

    We provide digg & yahoo buzz services..(currently no stumble service) We have 500 power users in our group.So all diggs or yahoo buzz are from unique ip,unique users all over the world. We dont use anything BlueFart like bots or proxies. You may know digg promotion But let me introduce yahoo...