Search results

  1. Allegro

    CCC Congress Sets Up (Temporary) 71 TB+ FTP Network

    Like every year, the CCC Congress attendees combine their collected hard drives into one big file sharing network. For four days. Right now at 71 terabyte and growing! Most movies and series are German though. But a ton of porn and programs, and music dating back almost ten years :D...
  2. Allegro

    Scaling on PoF - Increasing Bids or Increasing Frequency?

    So, I have this one campaign with a good ROI. Its my first PoF/CPM campaign in general so I'm a bit lost how to increasae the volume. The campaign is currently set to show only three times per day, on a pretty normal bid. Now what is the best way to scale it? I think it must be somewhere in...
  3. Allegro

    Not good enough to play - Smix, Suspense and Rob Hustle

    So, since so many people here like Rob Hustle (who doesn't :D), he features a new Starcraft-related track. YouTube - Not Good Enough To Play ft Smix and Rob Hustle Lyrics: Smix: Just gonna sit here And Watch this game But That's alright Cause I'm Not Good Enough To Play Just Gonna sit...
  4. Allegro

    No more excuses left, time to do it

    So yeah, I am fascinated by this whole make money online world for about 2years now, but everytime I had another excuse to not join in. I read and read and read and read, oh and I read. But never did anything except selling one or two really bad sites on sitepoint (before they became flippa)...
  5. Allegro

    Did I understand the "funnel" right?

    So after registering here and forgetting about IM completely for about a year, only the occasional visits to look at boobs, I decided to do things more seriously now. Now that I have matured and stuff. :D However, ONE way of doing this is, from what I've gathered, building your landingpage...
  6. Allegro

    Looking For Facebook Script

    On this very boards I read a while ago about a script that forces people to join your FB group in order to be able to read the content of an external website. However, I was not able to find the thread I read it in nor did Google help me in my search for a script that does this. Can you guys...
  7. Allegro

    Oh hi

    I brought you some distraction from your hard work.
  8. Allegro

    Multiple Vouchers possible?

    So, I already figured out that I need international vouchers (since I'm german). But can I buy multiple vouchers in the BST section here on WF and apply them to the same account?
  9. Allegro

    Looking for (real) books.

    Sup guys? So it's christmas time again, and my parents are bugging me what I would like to get. While I'm pretty familiar with the technology itself, I guess some books on business building and such would be great. Unfortunately I do not have the slightest clue what good books in that regard...