Search results

  1. Calamity

    Need some Paypal/Flippa advice

    I sold a site on flippa today, I wanted the transaction to be done through escrow but the guy went ahead and paid through paypal before he contacted me, which caused my account to become limited. I sent in the papers they asked for today but it will probably take some time to get them to lift...
  2. Calamity

    Aweber security email, scam?

    Just got an email from that said that someone had tried to access my account, it had a link to a page on with a reset password form. The interface is identical to awebers own. So mails from one domain and leads to another? Looks scammy...
  3. Calamity

    Share your favourite podcasts

    I want to listen to something while I'm out and there is a fuckton of different podcasts out there, so if you have any favourites it would be cool if you wanted to share them. :) Preferably if they are on itunes for easy access.
  4. Calamity

    Easy 1 page paypal order form/checkout?

    I am looking for a easy 1 page order script that sums up the options and sends the user to paypal. Basically what some of the guys are using in the BST section. thanks!
  5. Calamity

    Jungle tribe meets white man for the first time - Tribe meets white man for the first time Its pretty cool that you can still find places so isolated. They even try to rub the white off :)
  6. Calamity

    PHP noob needs help

    After a lot of trial and error i finally got this code to work in a Wordpress footer: { echo "© ".date("Y"); echo "  "; echo '<a href="'; echo bloginfo('url'); echo '">'; echo bloginfo('name'); echo '</a>'; }Is there any way to write this in one echo...
  7. Calamity

    SB link checker bugging out

    For some reason it started to run like crap today, freezes all the time, and the last operation timer is completely wrong. It never finishes a run and I have to shut it down from the process manager. I tried varying number of threads, running only one instance, running smaller lists, rolling...
  8. Calamity

    A Game of Thrones tv series

    Did anyone see the first episode yet? The book series are probably my favourite fantasy, but I'm not really sure about this one yet. On one hand it looks great and seems well cast and written but on the other hand it focuses heavily on a bunch of kids, (yeah I know the book does too) and kids...
  9. Calamity

    How much time do you spend managing a Linode setup?

    So I am looking for a new box to host some smaller sites and I see that there is lots of praise for Linode around here. I have used managed solutions but I almost never had to speak to support, so I figured I might cut some costs by going unmanaged. All I am going to do is install a bunch of...
  10. Calamity

    Map of Metal

    Map of Metal Pretty cool site for discovering new genres. I found some cool old bands I would have never found otherwise. Great design as well.
  11. Calamity open signups

    TheGeeks :: Signup A e-learning tracker with tutorials and books. The categories are: Business Computer Science Culinary Arts DIY (Do It Yourself) Engineering Exam-O-Rama Fine & Visual Arts Gambling & Gaming Graphic & 3D Design Health Sciences History...
  12. Calamity

    Multiple Twitter account creation questions.

    I have an idea that could work well with twitter, and I want to try it out but since i have never used it I have some questions. I would really appreciate it if someone took their time to answer. :) 1. I heard that twitter only uses ip checks on account creation and not on logging in/usage...
  13. Calamity

    Another Noob Journal

    Yeah another one of those. Hopefully it will stick. Mostly posting this to have some progression chart for myself. Who knows, maybe someone will find something useful here. I will try to update twice a week. I have had a very short history with IM 6 months ago when I was injured and couldnt...
  14. Calamity

    Safest way to run unsafe programs?

    I need to run a program from a questionable source. I am an exchange student, and I am going home after this semester and its not really convenient to get a separate computer just for this right now, so I will use it on my main laptop i use for everything else. The program needs access to...
  15. Calamity

    Keyword doesnt show up in search at all?

    I have a authority site that is about 1 month old and gets around 500 unique visitors daily. Lets call it "Sport bike central". My position in google for "sport bike central" is between 5-15. But if i search for "sport bike" my page is not found by google at all. Any help on this is appreciated.
  16. Calamity

    Noob question about article marketing.

    I have been submitting articles written for my main site to article bases with something like "read the original article at" in the resource box. Is there any downside to this? Can i get penalized by search engines for dupes? If yes, i guess i need to rewrite the article. But if...
  17. Calamity

    Quick Wp-o-Matic question

    Hello. I have a quick question about Wp o matic. How do i make the single posts display excerpts? I can make my main index show excerpts by changing _content into _excerpt in index.php. Unfortunately this doesnt work for single.php. Any help appreciated! Thanks :liebe028: