Search results

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    How to Scrape Data from PDFs, Flash Sites (and HTML)

    Scraping for Journalism: A Guide for Collecting Data - ProPublica Really cool series of guides that lead you through the steps to scrape those types of documents. Bonus: It uses ruby! Hope you all enjoy.
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    Blogger autoblogging just got really easy

    Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog Do with it what you will :cool:
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    Import Articles to Blogger/WP

    I have a bunch of articles in .txt format sitting on my hard drive, not doing anything. If I wanted to push these articles to wordpress or blogger blogs, how would I go about doing that? In a perfect world, I'd want to drip feed them to blogs without much work on my...
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    Ruby Regex(?) Question

    Hi all – So I'm scraping a webpage with ruby, and I get something like this as an output: <a onclick="(new Image()).src='/rg/find-title-1/title_popular/images/b.gif?link=/title/tt0317740/';" href="title/tt0317740/">The Italian Job</a> Now, if all I want is the title/tt0317740/ how can I go...
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    0.999... = 1 !?!?!?!?!

    This can't be true! They're clearly different numbers. I mean, the first one has a lot of 9's and the second only has one 1! Can somebody please prove to me that this is true!? /sarcasm
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    Sports Link Exchange

    I've got a PR3 sports site that I'd like to do some link exchanges with. I can give more details through PM if you're interested. I'm thinking that if I've got a higher PR than you, you'll pay me a bit plus the links, and if you're higher than I am, I'll pay you a bit plus the links. PM me if...
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    $100 Adwords Coupon

    I've got a 1 time use coupon for $100. Can only be applied to new accounts, and it's the signup bonus type. PM me if you want it and you've been around for awhile. And post in here when you PM so people know it's taken.
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    VMware fusion question

    Quick question for any of you who use VMware fusion. I was wondering if you need an actual install CD or if a Windows software key is good enough. I called their tech support today and the guy's answer was: "Very sorry, I have no idea." There was an awkward silence after that.
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    RSS Feed Directories

    Anyone got a nice list of them? I'm talking about sites like Of course I'm willing to do the research myself, but if anyone has a list they're willing to share already, that would be fantastic. Oh, and the 74 results I get from searching WF for "rss feed" don't seem to have a...
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    MSNBot is so slow...

    ...Microsoft has a team to get URLs into the index manually. Bing - Sites not in the index - Bing Community Maybe I should sell this on WarriorForum as a WSO: "OMG GET INDEXED IN BING IN 30 SECONDS - WARRIORFORUM EXCLUSIVE"
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    Idea for a site, but not sure how to implement

    Hi all – Looking for some help to get this idea I have working. So I have a big CSV of something (sorry, don't want to put niche out in public. If you are really willing to help and need to know this info, PM me). I want to make a site so that when a visitor goes to site.tld/pagegen.php, it...
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    Where should I go to get databases?

    I'm wondering if there's a good place to get some free databases. I would be using these to populate sites to pass some link juice. Yes, I used the search function first, and what I found was that I should either go to DP or buy them for >$39. I'm hoping there's a way/place to get some for...
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    Yet another journal...

    So here's another one of those newb* journals that seem to be popping up everywhere now. The main reason I'm starting this is to keep myself accountable for what I do, although help will definitely not be refused. Here's my situation: - Very limited funds (i.e. only $100-200) - Limited time...