Search results

  1. vilesyntax

    Helping online stores set up proper tracking on their end for affiliate marketing

    I'd like to make a mini affiliate network for a niche. There are many stores for this niche online and I know for sure there isn't an affiliate network out there and I think this could be a fun project. My only concern is getting the store/shop to understand how to properly add the tracking...
  2. vilesyntax

    Anyone run a huge product affiliate site (CJ/Linkshare)?

    I have a question on how you manage a tremendous product database. For my purpose, using CJ or LS APIs to get fresh products when a user is searching in real time is far too slow. I've considered writing a script, that takes all their product catalog dumps and just creating a master database...
  3. vilesyntax

    Niche social networking site

    I have a niche social networking site... Over 1300 registered members (double opted in) and over 12k FB fans (all obtained through facebook advertising -- over $1k spent to get fans and sign ups). The site is about 4 months old... If anyone is interested, please let me know and I'll PM you the...
  4. vilesyntax

    Incubus live.. right now

    Playing their best album imo.. Morning View. Incubus HQ Live
  5. vilesyntax

    PHP help needed -- base64 encode link cloak + boobs

    Hey guys, I used to have a script that basically base64 encoded the affiliate link and then the redirect PHP page would decode it and send you off to the page. I don't know what I am doing wrong and PHP is not my best skill, just looking for some help. Link on page: <a...
  6. vilesyntax

    PHP help needed -- base64 encode link cloak

    Hey guys, I used to have a script that basically base64 encoded the affiliate link and then the redirect PHP page would decode it and send you off to the page. I don't know what I am doing wrong and PHP is not my best skill, just looking for some help. Link on page: <a...
  7. vilesyntax

    Looking for someone to make Web 2.0s

    I am looking for someone to make me Web2.0s. I can provide all the spun articles. Please PM me your prices. I'll probably end up needing 100 or so over the next few weeks.
  8. vilesyntax

    I Need Web 2.0 Properties with my article(s) spun

    Looking for someone who can provide this service. You need to be able to spin my articles well and create many Web 2.0 properties. I will have a good amount of orders if the pricing is right. Please PM me.
  9. vilesyntax

    Mini Scheduled XRumer Blasts ~2000 Profile Backlinks/$10

    Mini Scheduled XRumer Blasts ~2000 Profile Backlinks/$10 With this service you: Get ~2000 Profile Backlinks per order (4 blasts of ~500) You can schedule your 4 blasts on any available day in the future Can use up to 20 different URLs with spinnable anchor text for each individual blast...
  10. vilesyntax

    Mini XRumer Blasts ~500 Profile Backlinks/$5

    Mini XRumer Blasts ~500 Profile Backlinks/$5 With this service you: Get ~500 Profile Backlinks per order Can buy multiple blasts and schedule them throughout the month Can use up to 20 different URLs with spinnable anchor text for each individual blast Have the ability to do cost efficient...
  11. vilesyntax

    Looking for a female (native english) writer

    I need some articles on fashion/makeup/beauty and I am looking for a female writer (native english) who can churn these out fast. Please reply here or PM me if you think we could work together.