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  1. F

    Selling links on a high value Uni blog

    Page rank of the blog itself is currently 3, however the website as a whole has a page rank of 8. Selling targeted links with editorial written relating to your site for £50 (yes, english pounds). Links from this site has proven to have a massive impact on rankings for other sites, infact...
  2. F

    Anyone have webspace on a .edu/ /authority blog and wants to trade GOOD links?

    It seems that most the links being sold here are incredibly low value (directories etc). While these links can have a bit of an effect on a website, you're generally better off getting one link from a slightly decent website, than 1000 shit directories. I have a university blog ( which...
  3. F

    New to affiliate marketing - copyright issues, and domain tactics help

    Hey all I'm pretty new to the affiliate marketing space, and have recently set up my first website. It's nothing major at the moment, but I own the .com and of the product name. My first question is about copyright. I want to have nice images of the product and its logo on the...