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  1. D Case Study

    Now we all know the mantra backlink your backlinks. BB promises to do just that it's sales speigl says: Now I have been subscribed for about a month now, though unfortunately during this time they have been doing upgrades and I havent been able to test it out full whack. However this week all...
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    Great Content - Great Price - BOOK NOW!

    How would you like a 700 word article with your main keyword and a selection of LongTail / Semantics sprinkled in. Possibly with a dash of images and videos also. (dependent on the niche.) Each article will adhere to standard SEO "on page optimisation". Namely: - H tag usage through out...
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    [Free] Auto approve 4k url list

    Doing a spring clean of crap I have on my computer and found this list. Some of these urls have been spammed to hell and back while others are fairly fresh with low OBL. Haven't checked the list recently so cant say how many of the urls are still up and AA. But hey feeling generous so will...
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    TLD Question .tk aged vs new

    Now that I have your Attention.... Was thinking along the lines of Domain Authority and Pros vs cons. The .tk I have is 3yrs (approaching 4) years old, never dropped etc etc OSE tells me has a DA of 41/100. The other domain is the same name but in, was dropped recently I nabbed it. No...
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    Some Specfic Monetising help

    The Cliff notes The nexus is my general blog where I keep my thoughts, some great some not so great some greatly misguided. A stroll through from day 1 to now shows a great change in thinking! To the point though, one of my earlier 'experiments' failed but the post itself is still about...
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    Buy one article and get a few (hundred) free!

    There more content writers here then there are rats in the underground! So I try and provide content with a twist! The Twist If content is king, the emperor is marketing and a part of marketing is links. Gaining links comes in many forms and one such is from article directories. So in an...
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    New Microsoft SE

    Looks intriguing; if it does catch on will be interesting to see its effects on SEO and how non-semantic links will effect the rankings. Or it may just bust! though if it does work the PPC market will become more profitable for Microsoft. Source
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    [WTS] PR5 Link

    Selling Sitewide Links on a strong PR5 site (with 40 internal pages with PR2-4) The links are for the site in my Sig and are Priced at $20 a month. The links will be located below the category section and will be limited to 5 links per month. Purchase URL Please keep them tech / blog etc...
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    WTS Niche Site with Rev

    Selling a Niche Site with rev, Background Site: portablepotties [dot] org Premium Theme Adsense Optimized SEO optimized content and site The site is just over a months old; worked on some posts and SEO in the last 3 weeks. There are currently 1500 links pointing to the site. 155 cached pages...
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    Brad Callen Software

    A newbie Q so I came here; Brad Callen a nice guy? maybe? Irrelevant at the moment. Seo elite = useful program Keyword Elite = Now that I know how to use it ... Vital Stumbling across I found Brad Callen’s Free Directory Submitter and Brad Callen’s Free Article Submitter Now links =...
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    Traffic Android Test Run

    I'm not going to do the sales pitch! However I am playing around with it at the moment and as the number of sites I have a re minimal I cant really put it through its paces. So I need your help! Just shoot me URL'S (preferably PM for anonymity) and in exchange you'll get about 17 odd Social...
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    [WTS] PR3 comedy site link / banners!

    I have started to monetize a few sites and to kick start I am listing one here: The site is a comedy site Alexa rating of 330,814. Technorati: Authority: 13 Rank: 521,321 468*60 banner ads on top =£8 (10 max in rotation) Links for 30 days = £3 (5 max) To Make a purchase just follow this...
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    Well basically i have coded a VERY rudimentary entrecard bot; This bot goes to the website and drops the card. It has the option to set delays between site loading and dropping, an dropping and site loading. All it needs is windows xp; a 'vanilla' firefox fullscreen with no tabs open. best...
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    A bit of help needed

    Im gonna try and make this sweet and short; Basically been working on a script that auto finds blogs with 'do-follow' enabled and adds them to a custom google SE; Unfortunately due to my lack of skills :( It cannot save the urls in a hard copy (.txt). But that is neither here or there. What...
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    I recently got hold of the domain its over with and is valid until 2008-12-06. (6th-Dec-08) Not to sure on how much its worth because i'm new at this thing so I will leave it for open bidding until Monday the 14th. Unless there is no bidding in which case I will...
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    Auto Blogs Links and penalties

    Basically what I plan to do is create a few genre specific blogs and link them to my main site. Just say the Big Bad G bans these auto blogs would it also strike of my main site that is linked to it?
  17. D

    Content writer needed in exchange for placements

    I'll start firstly with an outline of the site itself. The Nexus - Home is my first far as a webmaster; it is now just over a month old. The 'stats' are as follows taken from seoquake plugin: Pagerank: 2 Google indexed pages: 631 Google Links: 7 Yahoo Links: 166 Yahoo LinkDomain: 171 Yahoo...