Search results

  1. bigbyte

    Wanted: Sales Copy Writer

    I need some compelling sales copy for a new membership website project I am working on. So, I am looking for someone who is really good with writing sales copy that converts visitors into paying subscribers. Please contact me and let me know what your prices are. References would be great...
  2. bigbyte

    Wanted: Landing Page Designer

    I am working on a new membership website. I am looking for someone who can design a compelling landing page that will help me to get people to sign up for a paid subscription. Please contact me and let me know how you can help and what I have to expect in regards to your prices. If you have -...
  3. bigbyte

    Amazon - The Empire strikes back (maybe)

    Amazon has now filed a lawsuit against DOR North Carolina. I think this is one of a few lawsuits we will see in the near future. The State of Colorado wants similar information and other state governments are brewing the same...
  4. bigbyte

    Payday - PPC

    Having some problems with doing Payday offers via PPC. Overall my CTR from ad to landing page is 3-5%. People who fill out the form and apply is about 82%. However, the percentage of applications being declined is very high. Main reason is that the people who apply are already on the black list...
  5. bigbyte

    Legal action against individual in Nevada?

    I recently bought a website/domain from an individual in Nevada (Henderson). The seller only partially completed his part of the deal and is not responsive or willing to complete his side of the deal. So, I am considering legal action against that person. Anyone here familiar with stuff like...
  6. bigbyte

    W9 and 1099

    Anyone familiar with the 1099 part? I am planning on hiring a content writer through W9/1099. So, come next January I'll have to send out a 1099 form to him. How does that work with my side of things? I haven't found instructions on how to submit this properly to the IRS. I ordered a form from...
  7. bigbyte

    Any good reseller hosting with RAID10?

    I need to move sites to a new host that offers RAID5 or RAID10. Needs to be a reseller account for the ease of things. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  8. bigbyte

    Joomla or Wordpress?

    I currently have a successful womens interest related website running on a no longer supported CMS software (Evo Articles). It's an article and tutorials or guides website with almost no dynamic features. The site draws about 1500 unique visitors per day and is not well montized. So, I am...
  9. bigbyte

    Landing Page needed Quickly

    I am in need of a new landing page design for a white label offer I got offered and I am willing to pay for a rush order AND for Quality. Very important to me is the page load time/speed. If you can design landing pages with that requirement in mind, please contact me. The landing page has to...
  10. bigbyte

    New Azoogleads Account Manager all of the sudden

    Talked to my AM via email today. Normal stuff. Just logged into my account and see a generic icon instead of the picture and a new name and new contact information. Strange stuff. I wonder why the AM did not say anything earlier. We'll see if this is a permanent change and how the new guy will...
  11. bigbyte

    Shopping Comparison Site instead of single landing pages?

    Since I am still trying to learn and improve my affiliate marketing via PPC I am standing in front of the question to develop custom landing pages per campaign/product or think about something that would cut down on that need for developing landing pages. Now I am eventually considering to...
  12. bigbyte Cell Phones - Affiliate commission?

    Does anyone know the affiliate commissions work over at for Cell Phones? Some cell phones are given away free of charge when a 1 year or 2 year agreement is signed. But does an affiliate gets any money for those? Chris
  13. bigbyte

    "buy" keywords in PPC campaigns

    Am I the only one or is it really just me who does not get significant traffic from any of the "buy *" keyword variations? I am having about 20 Adwords campaigns running and in none the campaigns I am getting more than 10 impressions for the "buy" keywords. Example: I want to buy product name...
  14. bigbyte

    Landing Page Example - please review

    Just finished work on another landing page and wanted to see if I can get some feedback from the Pro's. I really need to improve my conversions and so I hope to have better results. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Chris
  15. bigbyte

    Miserable Users

    Do you know vBulletin? Do you know the "miserable user" hack/plugin? It's awesome. I am using it to clean up my forum from a few idiots and enjoy watching them. What does miserable user see? The forum is suddenly slow for them. They get randomly redircted. They see blank pages or server busy...
  16. bigbyte

    Giving credit? No way

    I updated a Wordpress blog with a new template last night. Until I had something designed I looked at some free templates as well as I was ready to buy a nice looking one. So, I searched Google for "buy wordpress template" and one of the ads on the right was for which I clicked...
  17. bigbyte

    YPN and arbitrage

    How picky is Yahoo with arbitrage on the publisher side? Has anyone seen problems with Yahoo as long as the traffic is US only and the landing pages of good quality? Chris
  18. bigbyte

    Linksys Wireless Router crap - need a new router

    Last year shortly before Christmas my Linksys WRT54G router died and I bought another one of the same kind. Guess what - we're close to Christmas and the new(er) Linksys router starts doing exactly the same thing. Piece of crap. So, I am need of replacing it, but I do not want to spend money...
  19. bigbyte

    RSSGM Question / PHP include

    I am experimenting with RSSGM and are trying to include an additional PHP file with a PHP include command. I added to the code to all necessary templates, but when pages get generated this does not seem to be executed and included. If I separate things or test the PHP include in a normal PHP...
  20. bigbyte

    Different aff programs in same niche?

    I have about 3 different products in the same niche with partially overlapping keywords. Example: Free Blue Widgets Cheap Red Widgets Affordable Green Widgets Some of the keyword in this niche apply to all products, have thousands of impressions and are fairly cheap. What's the best approach...