Search results

  1. P

    Fucked by advertiser, what to do?

    this week an advertiser on a well known affiliate network decided to change its terms and kicked me out as affiliate. My website (coupon site) is ranking #1 for all related phrases ( brandname #3 and coupons/discount/promo code related keywords #1) and pulls about 45K uniques monthly (...
  2. P

    Calling Authority network owners

    Desperate call here to owners of authority network / hompage link network owners: please include a working contact form on your blogs. I do link research on a daily basis, and often find real gems in those networks. Problem is that is near impossible to find out witch network these belong to...
  3. P

    WTB: Quality Web 2.0 creation

    im looking for someone who can create web 2.0 sites and profiles for me on sites like blogger, wordpress, squidoo, webs, ning, twitpic, blogspot, lastfm, freewebs ect. ect. The more the better :smokin: Each propperty setup with same email adress and password with unique text ( spinned atleast...
  4. P

    WTB: Craigslist Services section poster needed

    Im looking for a CL poster who can post in services - financial services section (preferably long term basis) Please let me know your rates, and some examples of your work.
  5. P

    WTB Adult Toy links

    Im looking to buy links for my adult toy store. pm me if your selling!