Search results

  1. QMcFarlan

    Buying Google Local Business Reviews

    Anyone offering google local business reviews? I figure if someone sells it, they'd be selling it here. If you offer this service, please PM me with pricing. My client could use the help of some positive reviews. :evil_laughter:
  2. QMcFarlan

    Blogger Spammer

    Hey all- Just wrote this quick script which takes in a blog title, url, anchor text, and an article, breaks up the article into pieces, adds a link using the url and anchor text, and emails it to Blogger to be posted. Feel free to use it or give me shit. <? // username and password to log...
  3. QMcFarlan

    Looking for SEO work...

    I need someone who can do SEO work on an hourly basis for a client of mine. I have a few requirements: 1. I'm going to bill for the job, and pay you your rate out of that job. 2. I'll need a plan to sell to my customer. For instance, you say you're going to do "this, this, and that, and it will...
  4. QMcFarlan

    Affiliate URL redirect script

    I've noticed a few people asking about offer/affiliate redirect php scripts, so I wrote a quick one: go.php <? /* affiliate link forwarding script. When a user goes to, this script will forward the user to the link associated with...
  5. QMcFarlan

    Great Toasts

    Know any good drinking toasts? ---- Here's to the heat! Not the heat from burning shacks and shanties, but the heat from dropping pants and panties!
  6. QMcFarlan

    Need a new banner

    I need a banner that doesn't suck. The website is here: One Step Realty, Inc. :: Michigan property management, rental properties, properties for sale, and more, and I need a new banner to replace the one currently there. Requirements - same width and height, include the following text: 1. One...
  7. QMcFarlan

    Fucking Goddamn Rickrolling

    Goddammit! Cock! Balls! If I get rickrolled one more goddamn time, which I will because I am a naive fucker, I'm going to piss and moan about it like an impotent prick on the forum message boards! Oh, sweet - a good landing page huh? *click* Fuuuuck. Better CTR on my google ads? Sweet. *click*...
  8. QMcFarlan

    I'm a candy-ass bitch.

    I've made a cool little php tool to combine up to three word sets into domain names, and using it, came up with a list of available domains in the format of Ordering them all from would only cost me $765.33. All that, and I'm not going to do it. Some of them get...
  9. QMcFarlan

    Stages of Forum Lifespan

    So I'm starting a forum, and I've purchased vBulletin, started some paid posting, and I'm running a little bit of cheap Adwords to bring in the uniques... now I'm interested in the stages of forum life. Are there any experienced forum builders here that know what stage a forum is at by looking...
  10. QMcFarlan

    Looking for vBulletin template

    Looking for recommendations on who to go with for a vBulletin template -- I have a logo and the site design in mind, looking for help making all the little damn icons and a template to go with the logo I have. PM me or reply up. -Q
  11. QMcFarlan

    Monetize this bitch.

    Hey Jon, These forums are fucking great, but I'm waiting to see how (if?) you are planning on monetizing them. I know I've seen a few posts about creating a members-only section (which I'd pay for), but other than that, I haven't seen anything. You've put a lot of time into the forums, and I...
  12. QMcFarlan

    Tools to check for domain traffic

    I've been thinking about using misspelled domains as ways to generate arbitrage traffic instead of paying out the ass to ineffective 2nd/3rd tier search engines. I've tried using the Overture tool to just search for the keywords including the .com extension, but that doesn't seem to offer much...
  13. QMcFarlan

    Arbi Noobs R Us

    Alright, so in an effort not to be one of those god damn noobs who clutter up the WF forums with "wut r htmlz?" and other non-helpful questions, I'm going to do some walking, and then talk. Here's my first attempt at walking: Key points...