Search results

  1. elgordo

    Quick overview on generating passive revenue via your contact DB

    I got a PM after replying to an earlier thread about monetizing email contacts, so I thought I'd share my input with the forum. I typically lurk here to learn from others, so hopefully this provides some basic insights in to how monetizing email works (at least in my world). YMMV Below are...
  2. elgordo

    10 Questions to Ask Your Potential Payment Processor

    So, we do some decent ecommerce volume, enough to get us the lowest per-transaction fees from nearly all payment processors. I started looking around and was enticed by some of the promises made, and then started to notice wildly fluctuating rates/fees based on the type of card and loyalty...
  3. elgordo

    YouTube Kills Billions of Video Views Faked Mostly By Sony, RCA

    Sony goes from 850 million views to 2 million. :lol YouTube Kills Billions of Video Views Faked By Music Industry *sigh* looks like I'll need to start clicking all over again for RCA..
  4. elgordo

    Thoughts on this? I think they're insane asking low $XX,XXX for it, but I may have a business line that could actually make use of it.. just nowhere near that price. Especially since is going for < $2K.. Thoughts / estimates?
  5. elgordo

    Need: Quality designer for landers and ad-hoc graphics

    Depending on quality, this could be an ongoing position. Please post or PM your portfolio. If you have standard pricing, please include it. I have some immediate tasks for you. Thanks-
  6. elgordo

    Are Competitor Comparison Charts effective?

    I want to publish a Competitor Comparison chart to some of my sites to show what you get from each product bundle versus the competition. Obviously folks are going to know it is slanted, but it is very informative for the type of product I sell. I also don't want to steer potential customers...
  7. elgordo

    So what are you guys paying for SEO Virtual Assistants?

    So I've been looking to offload some of the more mundane SEO tasks on a constant basis to a dedicated person. I've received a couple of 'applications' (for lack of a better term) and am trying to understand what a fair value is for pay. One of the guys who I like (because he can also write...
  8. elgordo

    Looking for: SEO Virtual Assistant

    I'm looking for an SEO Virtual Assistant to perform ongoing work on a weekly basis for 3 different (somewhat related) sites. All of the sites are ranked in their niches, and my objective is to maintain and increase placement for related keywords. You will need to be independent and...
  9. elgordo

    iPhone App Reviews... who's givin' em?

    Looking to get some reviews up for some new iPhone apps.. The apps cost $5, so include that in your price. (For example: $5 review + $5 app = $10 total to you). I'll give you the review text to post. Who's in? :banana_sml:
  10. elgordo

    Interested in Service: Optimization of Checkout Page

    Overview: I'm looking for an expert to evaluate and provide actionable recommendations on a checkout page for a given site. Objective: My objective (like everyone else) is to increase the current conversion rate. Over the past two years, this site has done fairly well. But after...
  11. elgordo

    WTB: Amazon Reviews (ongoing basis)

    Looking for Amazon reviews on a staggered basis and need reviews posted from different accounts (obviously). I will PayPal $3 if you post a review (I will provide the text). * PM me and I will send you the product to review (and text); will confirm your post; and send you $3. Not gonna...
  12. elgordo

    So what are you guys paying for Virtual Assistants?

    So I'm about to take the plunge in hiring a trustworthy contractor (for the past 1 year+) as a full time Virtual Assistant. He's from India, writes better English than I do, and has some strong client skills. The work I'm looking for out of him include: * Fielding customer emails, which...
  13. elgordo

    How much traffic before moving from Shared -> VPS -> Dedicated?

    So, I have a couple of sites running off of individual shared hosting plans; each with less than 500 uniques a day. I have them all hitting the same SQL database (on a different plan). Performance seems OK- peak times it can drag a tiny bit. No rich media on any sites. I also have a VPS for...
  14. elgordo

    Can someone sell me a SQUIRT submission?

    I'd like to submit for a single site. PM me if you're selling- Thanks duders
  15. elgordo

    WTB: 3 Squirts

    Anybody have a squirt subscription? I need to make 3 squirt submissions and I'm willing to pay a couple bucks. Rock.
  16. elgordo

    Nooberz Q: How long to wait before directory / deeplink submissions?

    I've used Kamesh(?) in the past for directory submissions on one of my sites after it had been up for a couple of months, and also paid for other similar activities. I launched another site today, and wanted to begin doing the same (directory submissions, etc). - Does it cause a red flag with...
  17. elgordo

    Noob Question: Best approach for making a domain offer?

    I'd like to purchase a domain name which is set to expire in April 08. It's not being used by its owner (just parked at GoDaddy). What's the best way to make an offer on the domain name? Should I outright email the guy and say "I'd like to buy this off you for $100"? Or is there a service I...