Search results

  1. P

    SEO test: Subdomains vs. unique domains

    Hi, I'm planning to do some SEO testing. My plan is to try 20+ approaches to making things rank. Do you think I can just create 20 subdomains on the same domain - or am I better off buying 20 unique domains? (problem with buying 20 unique domains is that I prefer to used aged domains. If I...
  2. P

    Tier 2 crash?

    Anybody seen their rankings go down when they start doing some normal tier 2 linkbuilding (wikis, social bookmarking, etc.)? Here is my timeline: 4 weeks ago: I started 4 new sites, so I could go for some moderately easy keywords. 3 weeks ago: Started doing some tier 1 linkbuilding (~50 web...
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    Automating ALN

    I'm seeing good results with ALN, but it's a pain to use if you have tons of urls to promote: 1) Find/scrape article 2) Spin it 3) Submit it to ALN Anyone who have automated their ALN use? Do you agree that the best approach will be to make some Ubot stuff? Thanks.
  4. P

    Dirty tap beer, what is it called in English?

    A few years ago my friends and I witnessed a life changing event. It all took place in a dodgy bar with a topless, female bartender. She offered two kinds of tap beer - a normal one and a dirty one. When we ordered a dirty one, the bartender put a pink dildo on the handle of the tap beer...
  5. P

    Subscription problems

    I subscribe to around 20-30 threads at the moment and have selected daily notifications for all of them. I should therefore receive a daily mail for each thread with new posts, but lately I have received very few mails. Today, for example, I have only received 2 mails from Wickedfire - but I...
  6. P

    [WTB] A truckload of Bookmarking Demon accounts

    Hi, Do you have Bookmarking Demon (BMD)? If you have, you might be able to create a truckload of social bookmarking accounts for me. PM you price and turnaround time for 1000 accounts (spread evenly on 20+ different sites) Thanks, Mads
  7. P

    Where to use my articles?

    Hi, Have about a hundred short articles that I was planning to use in Build My Rank to rank a non-English site. But Build My Rank doesn't want any links to non-English content, so now I'm forced to use my articles elsewhere :( The articles are all around 150 words long, so I can't use them in...
  8. P

    [WTB] Blog network that allows non-English posts

    Do you own a quality blog network that I can submit non-English articles to? PM if you have and tell me what you have and how much I'll have to pay to use it.
  9. P

    SEO hosting, domain registration

    Hi, Guess I need some SEO hosting to give a few of my sites the final boost. Found a nice cheap offer here on, but what about domain registration? Should I do private registration for all the domains? Or is there a better way to do this? (for example setting up several godaddy...
  10. P

    Cheap SEO hosting. A good choice?

    Found some cheap seo hosting, $12/month for 10 c class IPs, $25/month for 25 c class IPs, etc.: C Class IP Hosting | SEO Hosting Anyone tried them? Should I give them a try or run away screaming? Thanks.
  11. P

    Linkbuilding fail, non-English sites

    In March, I spent close to $2000 on link building for a few non-English sites. I have brought article submissions, web 2.0 pages, social bookmarking, blog comments and profile links. I have also brought links on high pr pages. A lot of the links have been boosted with a bit of DFB after I...
  12. P

    [WTB] Wordpress design overhaul needed

    I have a few Wordpress sites that needs an overhaul. The sites are working fine, have content and have been indexed. For each site, I need a design overhaul that includes: - a nice, seo optimized theme (that is one where the page/post titles are h1, etc.) - a logo - stock photos for at least 10...
  13. P

    Scraping google reader?

    When you subscribe to a feed in google reader, you'll be able to scroll all the way down to the first post on the subscribed blog. Very nice. So I'm looking for a tool/site that can scrape google reader and convert a blog into a pdf file or similar (preferably in reverse order, so the first...
  14. P

    AdSense for Spanish sites fail

    Threw a quick site together. A bunch of articles in Spanish and a few Adsense blocks. Voila, 200 visitors a day and... and AdSense income of ~ $2/day. Come on, I have AdSense sites in English that earns 10 x as much from fewer visitors. Is the conclusion that AdSense stinks for Spanish sites -...
  15. P

    [WTB] Bookmarking Demon Accounts

    Hi, I have a list of 100 social bookmarking sites. For each site, I need someone to create 20 accounts. You will need 20 email accounts for this job. PM your price and turnaround time if you can do this. Thanks.
  16. P

    [WTB] Bookmarking Demon Service

    Hi, Every week I get a few hundred new urls that need some social bookmarking. PM me if you can do this using Bookmarking Demon or another, similar program. I assume that you will have a lot of accounts on various social bookmarking sites, so all my stuff doesn't get submitted to the same few...
  17. P

    Quality affiliate sites without price lists

    Quite a few of my sites have price lists on them, that is lists of cellphone subscriptions, broadband subscriptions and so on. It's quite a nightmare to keep the price lists updated, so I would love to find another way to build quality affiliate sites about cellphones, broadband, consumer...
  18. P

    WTB - Link Farm Evolution pilot

    Hi, Have an installation of LFE, Link Farm Evolution, that doesn't get used as much as it should. So I need someone to pilot it for me. So I need someone to access it once a day and do like described here x 20 (i.e. promote 20 different urls as described)...
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    Real/virtual Windows PC - Recommendations?

    I need a real/virtual Windows PC that I can access remotely? Any companies that offers such a thing - and any recommendations? (My laptop doesn't like running WMWare and god knows what else at the same time - and I travel too much to have an extra PC myself)
  20. P

    [WTB] Parasite page setup

    Hi, I need someone to create 8 nice parasite pages (Squidoo, Vox, etc.). Articles have been written, so your job is to create 8 parasite accounts, upload the articles and make them look nice with a few photos, paragraphs, etc. PM your price and turnaround time. Thanks. PS: Payment after...