Search results

  1. Jon

    Writers, Designers, Devs, SEOs etc - Recommend A Solid One - Be a Hero

    Right, so listen up... Whether you like me or still visit here on the reg is literally not something that should hold you back. I've been working covertly on a large project and I need people whom you would recommend as the better of the trade freelancers. People who deserve to see some work...
  2. Jon

    Test Mark

    Mark it from here.
  3. Jon

    WickedFire Goes Private & Paid! The Horror!!!

    Right so check it out.. There have been many posts and debates going on around here for the better part of a month. The primary points are being addressed right now in this post. If you don't see the answer to your burning question, then join and pay the crazy cheap price and ask someone...
  4. Jon

    WickedFire & Jon Fisher - Phase Two

    The following is a culmination of thoughts and rough drafts I made while trying to come up with a way to lay out and explain where I was, what I had been doing and going through... and more importantly, the future of WickedFire. I don't know how else to lay it out, so I'm going to just put it...
  5. Jon


    There.. I was active. Now quit bugging me.
  6. Jon

    We're Under Attack... again. lol

    So uhh it's been awhile now since our last major DDoS attack and I'm sure me or someone else here randomly pissed some crazy person off and they decided to ramp shit up and let loose on us. Mitigation in progress. As most of you know,we get DDoS'ed just about every single day at least once...
  7. Jon

    Halloween Costume Ideas?

    I need help with ideas on what I can be for Halloween this year. Typically, I've dressed up as my alter ego, Death aka the Grim Reaper. But scaring the shit out of young children at my mother's house is no longer an option (after years of collecting nearly 1000 genuine screams I had to retire...
  8. Jon

    The Like Button Is Playing Hide and Seek But Mostly Hide

    As per a convo with Brandon, because we both REALLY enjoy the Like link button thingy... he had to remove it temporarily as it was part of the now corrupt and death spiral we knew of as vbseo. A fairly popular plugin for our forum software that many moons ago, went kaput. The like mechanism...
  9. Jon

    True Detective

    Is my new favorite show... GODDAMN is it done well!!! :drinkup:
  10. Jon

    My Conversation with Mark Karpeles of MtGox

    I won't get into any specifics... but I just had a conversation with Mark Karpeles of Mt.Gox.... asked him a bunch of questions, got some confirmations that no one else has, also got a somewhat personal aspect of how things are hitting him and his views. Instead of getting into a speculation...
  11. Jon

    No More Dickin Around - Make Money Now or GTFO!

    I've considered and reconsidered this decision many times over now. For as long as I can remember I never wanted to be one of those guru fuckers selling ebooks or seminars or any of that nonsense. Still, I can say I am not one of those churn and burn imbeciles. After that AMA I did on Sept 11...
  12. Jon

    No More Dickin Around - Make Money Now or GTFO!

    I've considered and reconsidered this decision many times over now. For as long as I can remember I never wanted to be one of those guru fuckers selling ebooks or seminars or any of that nonsense. Still, I can say I am not one of those churn and burn imbeciles. After that AMA I did on Sept 11...
  13. Jon

    No More Dickin Around - Make Money Now or GTFO!

    I've considered and reconsidered this decision many times over now. For as long as I can remember I never wanted to be one of those guru fuckers selling ebooks or seminars or any of that nonsense. Still, I can say I am not one of those churn and burn imbeciles. After that AMA I did on Sept 11...
  14. Jon

    No More Dickin Around - Make Money Now or GTFO!

    I've considered and reconsidered this decision many times over now. For as long as I can remember I never wanted to be one of those guru fuckers selling ebooks or seminars or any of that nonsense. Still, I can say I am not one of those churn and burn imbeciles. After that AMA I did on Sept 11...
  15. Jon

    You Are All Doomed - The Secrets To Making Money Online

    Crazy fuckin title eh? (Classic Jon swearing on the second word of this post too. Winx2!) But its true. You may not see it now, but its already happening. Many of you are finding it tougher to make a buck by comparison to the old days. Even if you weren't around during the real boom years of...
  16. Jon - POF Ads

    This is totally random... but nowadays, when I think of POF or I think of Ben, not Markus. My my how things have changed. Justsayin. [This is not an ad or anything. Just reflecting on random stuffs!] I am curious though, since we stopped monitoring POF in general for a...
  17. Jon

    The Game We Play

    Its very simple, but will likely come off as batshit crazy and/or too cynical to those whom read this without any real education in modern business, finance, human psychology and/or a functioning rational human mind. If your goal in life is to be rich/wealthy or anything less than being part of...
  18. Jon


    Its the 9/11 anniversary today, so I'm feeling actual feelings and out of absolute business mode. I prefer if you keep it business related and within reason. Stick to one question per post, less is better.
  19. Jon

    UFO Documentary - SIRIUS (Clusterfuck!)

    I'm witnessing one of the most amusing breakdowns of retardation I've seen first hand in a really long time. So, this documentary looked interesting, I pre-ordered it because I'm a lazy guy and I don't like DVD's. The stream is a lil on the high side for a rental, but wtvr, like I said, I'm...
  20. Jon

    Get suckered into babysitting?

    For those of you without children, like me, who may have nieces and nephews or for those with step kids and all of that crap... This is for you.