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  1. marketer23

    RIP Mikhail Kalashnikov

    Mikhail Kalashnikov - inventor of the AK-47 assault rifle died today. Sorry for your loss Andrey. Your great uncle will be remembered.
  2. marketer23

    Denver Broncos vs Jacksonville Jaguars

    Denver Broncos tie record for highest point spread - ESPN discuss.
  3. marketer23

    Bringing The Mammoth Back To Life

    Russian scientists make rare find of 'blood' in mammoth Phys.Org Mobile: Russian scientists make rare find of 'blood' in mammoth
  4. marketer23

    Going Vegan

    After pretty much months of trying, m0rtal has convinced me to take a shot at becoming a vegan with this video: I don't expect anyone to be able to sit through this entire video. I lost my focus after 20 minutes and just agreed to try it out. Is it...
  5. marketer23

    Happy Holidays - Thanks LeadFlash

    Got a nice present from Matt (aka chipmunk) from LeadFlash. I got lucky and landed a sweet payday loan domain early part of this year. I had no clue how payday loans worked at the time but luckily through WF, I found Matt and he showed me the entire process (he's a VERY patient dude) and he...
  6. marketer23

    All He Does Is Win

    Tim Tebow - "All He Does Is Win"
  7. marketer23

    What a girl really means when she says...

    "I'm just not looking for a boyfriend right now." (Im waayy out of your league.) "I don't want to ruin our friendship." (I'd NEVER risk be seen with you in public.) "Sorry I'm just really busy." (Give up, its not gonna happen, please lose my number) *no response (Maybe if I'm quiet, he...
  8. marketer23

    Diagnosed with Bell's Palsy

    So I woke up yesterday and I noticed I couldn't move the right side of my face. Went to the ER and I got diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. Went to see my family doctor today and they gave me the same diagnosis. Sucks. You take things like your health for granted until something happens. Now I...
  9. marketer23

    Law, Legal, Paralegal link exchange

    anyone that has a law, legal or lawyer website that wants to exchange links PM me. I have a few slots open. Thanks
  10. marketer23

    Buy The Boss A Chirstmas Present

    It's that time of the year again, when your getting begged to help buy people who are already rich presents. I work in a small office of about 15 people (11 females, 4 males) and they are pitching in to buy the CEO and his wife a Christmas present. This is an annual event for them for about 10...
  11. marketer23

    To Buy or Not to Buy GM

    GM as of right now is at $1.28 a share. Do you think it's a good time to buy? or is this stock headed for the shit hole?
  12. marketer23

    FREE Domains

    Due to WF being a kick-ass forum and me working the 9-5, i'm giving away domain names on a first come, first serve basis. PM me with the name you want. Whoever gets a domain please post it here that you got it. EXPIRES: 2010-02-25 EXPIRES...
  13. marketer23

    web traffic controller

    anyone else see this ad?.. At first it made me laugh, but then I wondered how big of a demand there actually is for something like this.
  14. marketer23

    yep AdSense banned me

    I was driving traffic to my landing pages using cheap PPC. Actually, Really cheap, I wouldnt bid above .01 cent and getting nice return on my adsense ads, but I got banned. On my landing pages, I was placing adsense code in high click areas, then watching the monies roll in to the tune of $10 a...
  15. marketer23

    What to do about a plagiarized paper?

    I had a paper due on nuclear energy today and 30 mins before I had to hand in my paper, I found out my partner committed plagiarism on a paragraph on her half of the paper. I immediately thought she plagiarized her entire part of the paper. I was hustling to doctor the paper up as best I...
  16. marketer23

    I Got Fired Today

    ya thats right, i got informed today that they will be letting me go. I was a programmer at a bank. They told me "due to the current restraints on the financial industry" yada yada yada "your last day is Nov 6th" bastards. Oh well, it gives me time to learn more about affiliate marketing and...