Search results

  1. M

    Emailing Service which allows Optizmo MD5 Suppression Lists

    Hi guys, I'm looking for an Emailing service which allows Optizmo MD5 suppression lists. As you probably already know most of the CPA offers have their suppression lists in MD5 format, and the network I'm working with for these email offers uses Optizmo - Suppression List Management for...
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    Where to Sell Auto Insurance Leads ? (Host n Post)

    I'm looking for an auto insurance lead buyer. So far I've reached out to T3Leads who unfortunately do not buy leads nationwide, they are only buying leads for 3 states. I've applied to - still waiting for a reply from them (and they don't seem to pay out on a weekly basis)...
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    Looking for an EDU Lead Buyer

    EDU Lead Buyers ? I'm looking for a reliable Education lead buyer. I can deliver these leads in real-time, using a host & post setup. These are high-quality leads which will be collected using contextual & media buy traffic sources.
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    Pixel tracking system not working with real offers only...(Willing to Pay for help!)

    So I've got this simple pixel tracking system which I had developed for me, which allows me to track which offers a user has completed. Once an offer is completed it is faded out to 50% opacity. It drops a cookie once a user clicks on an offer, and when the offer's pixel fires it set's that...
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    NEED --> Script to check whether 2 image pixel conversions were fired

    I need to be able to make a 'Click-Here-To-Proceed' type of button appear on a webpage once a user completes any 2 offers out of a given 6 offers they can choose from. I can submit image pixels to these 6 offers,which would obviously fire once a conversion occurs. If you have or can code this...
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    Email Marketing Solution (eMail-Shot Dropper) Recommendation... *HELP*

    I just got into collecting large lists and mailing them... I'm looking at sending around 500k-1million emails per month to start off with, and then will probably scaling to 5-10 million per month in the second month. I collect leads directly to my mysql database. I was looking at Pricing -...
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    iPhone4 / iPad2 email submit offers source their products from...

    Would anybody happen to know, where iphone 4 / iPad2 email submit offers source their products from? Do they even send out the products themselves? Or do they just mail them a check / transfer them the $ via wire transfer / paypal etc. with instructions to buying the product directly from...
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    PHP + mySQL solution which returns the CITY & STATE when a ZIP code is given...

    I'm looking for a PHP + mySQL solution which returns the CITY and STATE as a JSON reply, when provided with a zip code as a parameter. For example: Deep Gold | Home | Official Movie Site | Now Playing Returns: {"responseResult":"true","city":"Beverly Hills","state":"CA"} (If an invalid ZIP...
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    ** NEED a Great Designer who can make a KILLER CPA style Landing Page.. **

    I need some design and html work done. If you're a designer who thinks you can design a landing page similar to the following landing pages:
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    Any1 got a contact @ CoRegMedia?

    I've been trying to call these guys but always get diverted to voicemail..I've also tried emailing them but it's been a week and I haven't heard back. If you work with these guys or have some contact details or an extension number which actually works, could you please PM me with the details?
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    Good Networks with Incentivizable Offers??

    Can anybody recommend me some decent networks which offer a variety of incentivizable offers? I managed to find 9 decent offers which I can promote on BLAM Ads however I need around 17-20 incentivizable offers. (By decent offers I mean offers with a payout of $10+) I came across...
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    Is TV taking forever to get campaigns approved?

    I've set up a campaign on traffic vance yesterday night and they still haven't approved it. Anybody having similar experiences? They usually still approve campaigns during the weekend...
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    Anybody got UK backlinks (to rank in google UK)?

    Hey guys, Any service provider providing backlink packages from UK based URLs ( Alternatively does anybody know of anybody providing such backlinks? Much appreciated, Matthew
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    Email sign-up tracking (without using Google Analytics) ?

    Hey guys I was wondering whether somebody knows how to track eMail sign-ups (sign ups/leads in aWeber) without using Google Analytics. I'm using ppv as a traffic source and would like to know which URLs bring in the aWeber sign ups/leads... Tips & suggestions are much appreciated... :)
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    Is there Any AM from in here?

    Hi guys, Is there any affiliate manager from in here? Thanks, Matthew
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    Looking for weight loss pills affiliate programs..

    Hey guys, Does anybody know where I can find some decent weight loss supplements affiliate programs such as the following ones: Lose 300% More Body Fat! - Liporexall Weight Loss Supplement Lipofuze Official Site - Best Fat Burner of 2010 I'd prefer promoting products which...
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    100 Car Insurance Articles for $250

    Hi guys, I recently got 100 articles (400 words each) written for 2 car insurance sites which I was going to develop, but I've decided not to develop them. All of the articles are keyword focused and based on keyword research. I can send you a list of the articles if you are interested...
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    Prosper202 not generating sub-ids - HELP

    Hey guys, It's been a while since I've used prosper202 and got a campaign running yesterday, and just noticed that it's not tracking conversions, and no Sub-ids are being shown from within my aff network account (PKM). I've set up my affiliate URL within prosper, to end like this: &SID= (I'm...
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    Need a good Landing Page Designer for sites in the Insurance niche..

    Hey guys, Got some work for a talented designer. I basically need someone to design a few insurance related landing pages for me... If you've got previous experience with designing insurance related landing pages please hit me up here on this post or with a private message here. It would...
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    Need a good Landing Page Designer for sites in the insurance niche..

    Hey guys, Got some work for a talented designer. I basically need someone to design a few insurance related landing pages for me... If you've got previous experience with designing insurance related landing pages please hit me up here on this post or with a private message here. It would...