Search results

  1. J

    If I moved to the US, how would I best structure my tax position?

    Hi all, If I was to move to the US permanently (well, semi permanently) how would I best structure my tax position? I mean, how do you guys do it? Assuming I earn 100-120k per year and have a ltd company. What sort of rates would I pay do you know? I am just curious to compare it with the...
  2. J

    Chicago peeps - come inside

    Hey all, Ayone here from Chicago? I'm living in Lakeview East for the next four months. I'm from merry old England. Thanks to the wonderful profession of seo, I travel and live in random places. Chicago is fucking sweet. Anyways, I would love to meet any fellow IMers in the area for a...
  3. J

    Roadtrip USA

    Been traveling all over Asia earlier this year and now it's time to go Stateside. (I'm a Brit) I just sorted a road trip across the the East and South of the US, from Chicago to the carolinas and up to New England for two plus months with two other friends. Can't wait. Got very few strict...
  4. J

    Any recommend any good templates for Lead Gen/Loans sites?

    Much appreciated for any help!!
  5. J

    Brit going to live in NYC for three months... Advice please :)

    Hi all, I am in to my second-to-last week at work before I leave to go travelling. I'm going to Asia and Oz for six months and am thinking about going to NYC after that and renting a flat for between 1-3 months for fun. Anyone lived in NYC or have any advice/tips? Where abouts would you...
  6. J

    Getting brand/URL anchored links

    Hey all, A lot of SEOs emphasize the need for getting a good portion of Brand anchored and URL anchored links in your backlink profile. Just wanted ask a few questions and get a few opinions on this... 1) What sort of percentage of links do you like to have as Brand/URL anchored? 2) What type...
  7. J

    Moving site from Joomla (PHP) to Umbraco (.NET) - changing server = affect Rankings?

    Hi all, I am considering redesigning my website - which has a lot of authority and very strong rankings - and moving it from Joomla/MySQL to Umbraco/SQL. This would mean I'd have to change my hosting package with my provider to a miscrosoft server. Obviously, I would keep the URL structures...
  8. J

    Good places to live as an internet marketer?

    I make my living from the internet which means I can move anywhere I want. I'm thinking of moving abroad for a couple of years to avoid UK tax in order to save a deposit for a house when I come back. (That's to say, I will pay my dues for the education etc this country has gave me... Just not...
  9. J

    .EDU Subdirectory links - can anyone recommend a supplier?

    Hi, I'm looking for links on .edu or similar subdirectories (not subdomains). Would appreciate any recommendations? Thanks
  10. J

    WTB Web 2.0 Properties List

    Hi all, I'm looking for a comprehensive list of 200+ web 2.0 properties and wikis. Can fire $10 your way for it. Thanks