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  1. zupertech

    NBA Lockout sucks!

    This is bullshit! NBA players only care about the money, not their fans! As for the owners who lose money, I feel sorry about it because these dumb asses doesn't like to get "underpaid"! Wake up players, these owners worked hard to pay you guys....!!!!:offtopic:
  2. zupertech

    25 x PR1-PR5 Blog Posts - Unique Class-C IPs

    25 x PR5-PR1 Blog Posts - Unique Class-C IPs Our services gives you high quality contextual links to your website/s through blog posts. Our blogs in the private network were aged, unique themes and they all coming from unique class-C IPs. The PRs of these blogs were from PR1-PR5 after the...
  3. zupertech

    Free Traffic System experience?

    I was really curious about them since it's free, there's nothing to lose but time. Is this really worth for us to rank our websites on Google? Any experience on this?