Search results

  1. Aunesty

    Need Someone For Wishlist Integration

    I am looking for someone who is more than a basic Wordpress/Wishlist user. We have a project that we need completed utilizing Wordpress and Wishlist. If you think you are able to get Wishlist completely integrated into our site, plus help find solutions for two other parts of our Wordpress...
  2. Aunesty

    Need - databse moved into WP & working

    If you know PHP - SQL - PHPMyAdmin and Wordpress - please hit me up, I need to have a database installed and working for the end users. I don't have time to do it myself, and for the person who knows what they are doing, this is a QUICK way to make a little moola. PM me with your price and...
  3. Aunesty

    Google +1 Service - Reviews Available

    We will +1 your site for 5 keywords off of three different Google accounts for a total of 3 +1's per keyword OR 15 keywords +1ed with only one like per keyword, 5 +1 per Google Account Cost: $5.00 Turn Around Time: Fast: 24 hours for an at once hit Dripped: 24 hours per Google User Account-...
  4. Aunesty

    WordPress Theme Recreation - Need ASAP

    I need a WP designer for a quick and easy project that I need done ASAP. I need to recreate a theme that is a two column with widgets on the left side and bottom. I need an additional menu bar add at the bottom of the page as well. I can send you the example of the site I need recreated. I...
  5. Aunesty

    Use My SEO Tools, SeNuke, Scrapebox, The Best Spinner, Article Marketing Robot & More

    Use My SEO Tools, SeNuke, Scrapebox, The Best Spinner, Article Marketing Robot & More Here's the deal: My son's baseball team is fund raising, we need to raise over 10k - so I got to thinking, how can I help his team raise money? This is what I came up with: Use my SEO tools in exchange for...
  6. Aunesty

    I need niche content written ASAP

    I am looking for some very niche content to be written for, of all things, my dad's website. I know cliche, but it is what it is. Here is what I need: Content for 5 website pages on specific topics within his niche, must be 100% original, SEOed and Great. - about 50 words each Content for...
  7. Aunesty

    Need a Dynamic Form Developed

    A competitor has something I want.... Basically - I need someone who can create a dynamic form for a quote request...I would like this done in a way that allows for me to easily go in and add choices or remove them as necessary. I will provide you a link to see exactly what I want. PM me and...