Search results

  1. jgw899

    Any forum senior members out there?

    Looking for city-data forum senior members to work with. Hit me up if this is you and I'll hook you up.
  2. jgw899

    Current NPA/NXX database, and 2012 vehicle year/make/model database

    Does anybody have a good place to buy these 2 databases? Let me know...I'm willing to spend some cash but would like to get a decent deal.
  3. jgw899

    Google Not Passing Keyword Data For Signed In Users -- Your Thoughts?

    I can't believe nobody has posted this yet anywhere (that I know of). So I guess I will. The other day I looked into analytics and when I glanced at the keywords people used to get to my site I saw for the first time (not provided) in place of where a search term should be. Then I read the...
  4. jgw899

    Anybody Know Of Any Storage Affiliate Programs?

    I'm looking to sell household goods storage leads, or to get into some kind of affiliate program in this area. Anybody that might know about something like this please let me know!
  5. jgw899

    Looking For Various Social Media Links

    Hey guys ---- I just released a piece of content that I would like to get maximum exposure and SEO juice. I'm looking to buy or trade any way that I can for facebook shares, tweets/retweets, and google +...if you are interested in helping me out let me know via this thread or PM with your...
  6. jgw899

    Automating The Uploading Of Images Based On Time Of Day

    Hey Wicked Fire members! I have a question for any programmers out there who might know something about automating this simple task... I would like to automate the uploading of a new header image on my website depending on the time of day. During business hours I would like a header image with...
  7. jgw899

    Wanted: Somebody To Make HQ Videos To Display Services On My Website

    Hey guys --- I'm looking to create some different videos for the higher traffic pages of my website. Each of these videos will be about slightly different services my company does. Each one of these videos should be around 2 minutes. The whole goal of these videos is to make them genuinely...
  8. jgw899

    Wanted - DMOZ Editor

    Hey guys --- I know that DMOZ isn't what it used to be for SEO, but I would still like to get one of my more reputable sites in there. This site has been around for a long time, is genuinely a good site and actually deserves to be in the directory, but it is pretty hard to actually get a hold...
  9. jgw899

    Looking For A Programmer To Build Multiple Sites

    Hey guys, I'm looking to create multiple sites within the same niche. All sites need to have a quote form to be able to gather information and submit via email. These are basically lead generation websites. Here is a good example of a site design I like. All of the sites should be somewhat...