Search results

  1. EricVorheese

    The Great Paper Caper

    The World'''s Greatest Counterfeiter: Frank Bourassa Moral of the story - If you're gonna do illegal shit, do it in Canada.
  2. EricVorheese

    Additional Revenue Stream

    I'll keep this short and sweet. If you have mailing lists or run sites that have registered users, hit me up. I can help you generate recurring monthly revenue, that’s in addition to your current monetization channels. This doesn't take up ad inventory and requires almost no development...
  3. EricVorheese

    Editorial Links In Brand Name Authority Sites

    Editorial Links In Brand Name Authority Sites No hype, no sales graphics, no hard sell. Just good old-fashioned value. The term ‘Brand Site’ is being thrown around quite a bit lately. But a pretty logo, eye-catching design, articles, twitter and facebook accounts don’t make a brand. Unless a...
  4. EricVorheese

    Siskel & Ebert - Outtakes

    Siskel & Ebert - Outtakes Damn, do these guys hate each other
  5. EricVorheese

    Don't Be A Scrooge

    Kick some of those Black Friday/Cyber Monday savings to those in need. If you're unsure of the charity you'd like to donate to, I recommend Watsi - 100 cents of every dollar donated actually goes to the person in need. If not Watsi, any meaningful charity will do (except Red Cross). If you've...
  6. EricVorheese

    Humor Sites

    Specifically image-based, like sadanduseless, eatliver etc What are your favorites?
  7. EricVorheese

    Obama Announces Plan to Mortgage the White House

    Obama Announces Plan to Mortgage the White House It begins...
  8. EricVorheese

    Permanent Portfolio - Thoughts?

    Background - Thoughts? Anybody here investing using this model?
  9. EricVorheese

    $500 To Whoever Can Do This The Quickest

    UPDATE: $500, NOT $100 I need urls of articles/blog posts from specific niches, saved to a plaintext file. I will supply the list of source sites for each nice, be sure to mix up the frequency of urls extracted per site. 1. 1 million urls of articles/blog posts from sites in the finance niche...
  10. EricVorheese

    Extract urls

    I need to extract the urls of all the latest posts from the past month in a certain set of sites. What's the best way to do this? I have them loaded in my google reader as well if that helps in any way. Any help much appreciated.
  11. EricVorheese

    List of Ideas - Happy New year

    Here's a list of ideas for some of you ballers to work on. I'm juggling about 4 diff ventures at the moment which will keep me occupied for the foreseeable future, so I'm pretty sure I won't be getting to them anytime soon. Go for it: 1. Amazon for local - there are tons of local stores (from...
  12. EricVorheese

    Do you own high quality blogs that you've painstakingly built up? Monetize them!

    I'm looking to buy posts on blogs that meet these criteria: - A blog that adds content (original, non-spun) regularly - PR - 3+ - Page Authority - 30+ - Domain Authority - 30+ - Linking C blocks - 40+ (The last 3 can be obtained from Basically, I'm looking for quality...
  13. EricVorheese

    Cash Management

    If you're business is at the point where cash is flying in different directions - campaigns, employees, equipment, rent etc - how do you keep track of your cash flow? I came across pulseapp in dr ngo's ridiculously detailed mindmap. Any experiences with it? Any other suggestions/options?
  14. EricVorheese

    Ad Collections

    Need a kick in the creative ass. Know any websites that display collections of online ads? One repository I came across was Adverlicious, but it only shows flash ads. Any other sites like this?
  15. EricVorheese

    Website Keyword Ranking

    Is there a free alternative to where one can look up the keywords a website is ranking for? Scripts?
  16. EricVorheese

    Other areas?

    Affiliate Marketing and Forex Trading are two great ways to invest, track, optimize and make money online. Do you guys know of other areas that fall into this category? Specifically those that can be monitored online...
  17. EricVorheese

    Maybe she's angry over Acai failure

    YouTube - Angry Women abuses garage owner Man, she's PISSED!!! What would you do if someone came at you like that? I would point at something behind her and before she turns back around to me, lean back, put all my weight into my shoulder and POW!!! Uppercut right along the jaw.
  18. EricVorheese

    Any experience with Profit Kings Media?

    I searched WF and couldn't find any mention of it. A google search didn't really turn up much besides an interview on madppc. Anyone here have any experience with PKM? how was it?
  19. EricVorheese

    Your Recommendation?

    They say a great affiliate manager is crucial for making monies. I searched through WF for recommended AMs at each network and here's what I got so far - Azoogle - AzAlex is the co-founder; AM - Jon Olson? NeverBlueAds - David Fletcher , Scott , Others - any recommendations? Flux Ads -...
  20. EricVorheese

    Maintaining Websites and Landing Pages

    Newbie looking for some clarification here. Don't worry, I won't waste your time with questions like "can you guys tell me the best paying offers?". I read through the stickies, nickycakes, etc and formulated a game plan. I even got dickrolled once. But I'm still unclear about one thing -...