Search results

  1. yellowarrior

    A plee of support for a good friend. Tweets, donations or FB likes

    Four years ago I started my first business with a Mr. Justin Johnson. Although we have gone seperate ways since then, I still owe a lot to him (after all it's how I got the entrepreneurial bug). I mention him because tonight he asked for help. His cousin (fred) was in an accident this week...
  2. yellowarrior

    SES '11 - San Francisco, anyone going?

    Hey Guys. Anyone going to be at SES 11 in San Fran this August? Ill be attending (got a client to pay for the trip + got a girl up there to stay with). Any past attendees have tips?
  3. yellowarrior

    WTB Images of Camel Toes

    I am working on a project and photos of camel toes. (slightly more specific) Anyone able to help me out? Nothing with major proprietary water marks. Message me for details. (ps, sorry this is not considered "content" by section standards)
  4. yellowarrior

    Need product descriptions rewritten - 14k words total.

    Greetings. I have a client in the home improvement niche selling windows. I need the product descriptions rewritten to pass copy scape AND convert well (well written). We have 13,800 words total, you don't need to research this, just rewrite. NO SPINNING. The keywords must stay the...
  5. yellowarrior

    WTB - Multiple Banners and Software Box

    I need to get a variety of banners created as well as a "Software Box" mockup. Looking for 2 vertical banners, 2 horizontal 2 small square and 2 large square. Software Box, looking for 2 versions The Logo is created, and the brand is in a clean blue style. Security Based software niche...
  6. yellowarrior

    Merchant who will process vaporizer sales

    A client of mine is looking to begin selling vaporizers through his website (which is a medical marijuana clinic). We are unable to use his existing merchant account, and the normal merchant accounts won't allow us to sell vaporizers. Any tips as to how to proceed? I would prefer to find...
  7. yellowarrior

    Need someone to submit my 9 articles

    Hey Guys. I am looking for someone to submit 9 articles I have to sites like goarticles, hubpages, ezine. I have simple instructions as to the title for each one, but simple quick job. PM me please.
  8. yellowarrior

    Buy me some tweets

    Hey Guys. I am not looking for a twitter army.... I simply want to buy some tweets. I don't need them all to one page, rather id rather get some tweets to deep blog pages on my sites. Looking to have them across multiple accounts. PM me or post in this thread if you can help.
  9. yellowarrior

    Having to remove a domain... anyone want it who can hold onto it?

    So I have a domain that ranks well for my term, used to have a site on it (removed content a few months ago when a dick who owns a business with the exact match made a fuss). Id like to unload the domain, but don't want to give it to the douche. He has not asked for the domain just that "we"...
  10. yellowarrior

    Recommend a low level recreational host

    Hey guys. I am looking for a low level host for my "goof around" projects. Right now I use dreamhost (yuck i know) because I like that each new domain I host is thrown into a different IP group than my other sites. I don't need SEO hosting, but would like one were reverse IP lookup doesn't...
  11. yellowarrior

    Gmail ads for A4D link

    The email only contained a link to Ads4dough. Not sure if Google classified A4D as Internet marketing, and served up the ads accordingly, or if "" actually targets A4D users. Either way, I am getting me an Internet Marketing Degree.... *cough
  12. yellowarrior

    Revenge Ideas Please!

    So I now have the option to acquire a name website for a major right wing religious douche who is causing some problems for a few friends of mine... I started a thread about my rights to the .com in the domain section...
  13. yellowarrior

    Full Name - Domain Name Rights Question

    Hi Guys, I had a quick question about domains based on "" formula. I know that celebrities have fought to get "Madonna" or "Britney Spears" However, I am launching a reputation management or mismanagement campaign again a religious douche attacking a website I care...
  14. yellowarrior

    Covering my NBC Olympic domain.

    I recently purchased a domain name with NBC and Olympic in it. I am hoping to make a quick buck during next years winters by covering the games. My only concern is that they may be able to take the domain away from me due to NBC in the TLD. Are there precautions I can use to make sure this...