Search results

  1. samgeneric

    Shopping Cart Abandonment

    Anyone use any really decent programs for this? Our numbers are getting better and better, but I think I could basically double our conversions tomorrow if I had a good shopping cart abandonment program in place.
  2. samgeneric

    Anyone at btcmiami?

    Anyone else here?
  3. samgeneric

    Fake Reviews from a Competitor

    So the owner of a competing company posted two negative reviews about my company on two different sites. We know it's him, and I'm really frustrated. I've dealt with bad reviews before, and it's extremely easy. You just cover them with good reviews. But I'm also of the opinion that, like New Egg...
  4. samgeneric

    Thinking of moving into a hotel

    So, one of my businesses is super high cashflow and very low margin. Huge credit card bills with the entire balance being paid off each month. Anyhow, I'm getting to the point where I think I could live in a hotel completely free on credit card points. Should I engage in the grand experiment...
  5. samgeneric

    Please tell me I'm not an idiot for thinking "The Secret" is the stupidest concept

    Please tell me I'm not an idiot for thinking "The Secret" is the stupidest concept Everyone around me is way into "The Secret". And all I can do is put my face in my hands and give everyone weird looks. I'm getting to the point where I think maybe I'm the crazy one for thinking it's the...
  6. samgeneric

    Watch me grow my company!

    I've been a member here for a while, and I have loved this community. I'm a bit of a lurker, though I have been known to post here and there (you may remember my fun catnip project) Anyhow, I started an alarm monitoring and security products company - back in May, and have...
  7. samgeneric

    And my business partner's an idiot

    The dude watched "The Secret" and now any time something doesn't go right he tells me that it's because I didn't believe correctly about how it would turn out... Are there any big "The Secret" people here? Because if there are, I'm officially done looking at your weird emoticons. The Secret -...
  8. samgeneric

    Google Realtime Analytics is Shit

    I have like 5-10 people on my ecommerce site all day long. Then, the end of the day numbers come in and it's like 170 people total. WTF?
  9. samgeneric

    Need 10 Wickedfire cat owners to do something fun

    Hey Wickedfire, So, I need 10 volunteers to do something in exchange for free catnip and a grinder. If you are interested in helping a fellow Wickedfire-er out in exchange for a very cheap grinder, and some awesome, high-end catnip for your very expensive-taste cat, PM me, I will give you more...
  10. samgeneric

    Help Me Figure out this Site's traffic

    Ok, so here are the sites on quantcast: Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast The first one gets 500k-700k visits per day, the second one gets 500k to sometimes over 1m per day. Both sites are...
  11. samgeneric

    Links I need

    Just did a press release submission for a site in a fairly low competition niche. It was one of my more successful press releases, and I got links on a ridiculous number of sites super high quality sites. Anyhow, they are really deep and Google doesn't seem like it's finding them very easily...
  12. samgeneric

    If MegaUpload's Files Disappeared... So if the government allows all these files to disappear, won't their evidence against MU kind of disappear as well? Also, if copyright and trademark infringement is the same as theft, and these replicable copies are the...
  13. samgeneric

    People Who Are Ign'ant

    My Roommate just saw a commercial for the YoshiBlue pan. The Official YoshiBlue Commercial - YouTube Very earnestly, he asked me if I want to go in on one with him. I responded by asking him if he wanted to go in on a shake weight with me. I think he's going to buy a bunch of American Buffalo...
  14. samgeneric

    Herman Cain

    Is that guy as dumb as he seems? How the hell are people excited about that guy?
  15. samgeneric

    Why Columbia BSchool Grads Can't Get Jobs in IM

    So I have a former IM friend attending Columbia biz school. He's the TA for a class where the students were asked to make a viral video. Below was the best of them. It's really really hilariously bad. Meet the diverse class at Columbia Business School - YouTube And so you don't have to scratch...
  16. samgeneric

    Steve Jobs Blow Jobbers

    Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative...
  17. samgeneric

    Why Is Obama Such a Stupid

    Doesn't he know that shit like this is creepy as fuck? Get the facts. Fight the smears. — | Report an Attack
  18. samgeneric

    Juiced Links

    I have a site that gets linked from places like the HuffPo, AOL news and other authoritative sites. Right now, I'm making money using Google Adwords, but don't really like the low CPM. Anyhow, thought about coming to Wickedfire to see if ya'll might like some links on pages that have highly...
  19. samgeneric

    My Roommate Smells like Shit

    So my roommate (and business partner) smells like a heavy dose of old spice and sweat. I told him the other day, and he said, "people always complement me on how I smell." Which is probably true because, I mean, what the hell do you tell someone who smells like must. Anyhow, I thought about...
  20. samgeneric

    Wife sees new husband get eaten by shark