Search results

  1. mrmeotz

    "Excuse Me While I Whip This Out" - WikiMarks v2.0

    Previous Thread: Right Here We (Lights_Out and I) don't really give a fuck about big sales copies, so here's what you'll get: 1500+ Bookmarks on unique Domains 4000+ contextual links on unique Wikisites (including quite a few .edu/.gov domains) 30000 Blog Comments pointed at the Bookmarks and...
  2. mrmeotz

    "Excuse Me While I Whip This Out" - WikiMarks v1.0

    Sup guys, after two weeks of scraping the SEs like Chris Rock in a Shrimp-Restaurant, we are finally finished and happy to announce our new service – and we shall name it: WikiMarks! We don't really give a fuck about big sales copies, so here's what you'll get 1500 Bookmarks on unique...
  3. mrmeotz

    Inflated SEO - The Power Of Anchored Profiles, Bookmarks, Web 2.0 and Scrapebox!

    Sup guys, I'm here to offer you a few (new) services that you may or may not find useful. But first let me give you a brief introduction. What I do and why I still use profiles! They still work well for low-mid competetive keywords. On top of that, they will add value and variety to your...
  4. mrmeotz

    600+ Anchored Profiles From Unique High PR Domains (4 Links per Profile) - only 16$!

    Hey guys, I'm here with a new service on offer. I don't like talking around the bush, so let's get to it. This is what you will get: - 600+ anchored profiles from unique High PR domains (over 80% are PR3-8) including a few .edu profiles as a bonus. - 4 Links per Profile (3 of these are...
  5. mrmeotz

    German Translations/Article Writing - anyone interested?

    Well, I don't really know if there's a market for this kind of service, but if anyone is interested, I can offer a translation service (English -> German) for your articles. As we all know, decent quality has it's price and thus I offer this service for 0.06c per translated word or 6$ per 100...
  6. mrmeotz

    Backlinking for German Websites

    Sup' Folks, Can you recommend any good Linkbuilding Services that work (really) well for german websites? Or do the normal linkbuilding services work just as well? For those who have some experience with this matter, I would greatly appreciate some tips. I'm especially looking for some...