Search results

  1. macromj88

    Have you bought any legit magazine links?

    Everybody and their dog is selling magazine links now (forbes, inc, entrepreneur, etc)... But either the thread gets taken down, the guy disappears, or something else goes wrong. I've seen this happen over and over again. Have you bought any legit magazine links?
  2. macromj88

    How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?

    Everywhere I turn I see another SEO agency doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away.... They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice. The main question is, How Do SEO Agencies Get...
  3. macromj88

    $360M Lead Generation Company - QuinStreet, Inc.

    Anybody familiar with them? Their a public company with a market cap of $360M and they are built around lead generation. Since many people here do lead generation, this company should be pretty damn inspiring. I just haven't ever heard of them until today. Who knows details about them...
  4. macromj88

    Are There Local Affiliate Programs?

    Looking for affiliate programs that can be targeted locally... To go after keywords like this one: San Francisco "product name / category / etc" But, most affiliate programs seem to target nationally, are there any out there that target locally?
  5. macromj88

    Taxes, LLC, S-Corp - Blahhhhhh

    I know, 13 days left to file and I'm just starting - have all my books together, thankfully. Problem is I formed an LLC (single member) and just found out I get taxed as a Sole Proprietorship unless I elect otherwise (too late for that) - and overpaid a lot by not being an S-Corp! Wanted to...
  6. macromj88

    Where To Sell Six Figure eCommerce Website

    I'm interested in selling a well-established website in the eCommerce space but I'm not sure where the best place would be... Many people turn to Flippa but most sites on there go for under 100k and I don't really see it a place popular for higher end established websites. Maybe I should get...
  7. macromj88

    Anybody Amazing At Indexing Links?

    I've bought tons of stuff from BST lately but don't have the time or patience to buy/use all the tools to index these - i know there's tons of stuff on the market from automated tier 2 links to rss/pinging style services. I don't really care what it is, as long as the links get indexed... If...
  8. macromj88

    Cheapest Getaway Destinations For Vacations

    What are some relatively cheap getaway destinations? Not talking about a crazy 3rd world country that's not safe - but, somewhere that meets these criteria: - Relatively Affordable - Cool beaches to hang out at - Good restaurants - English speaking (to some extent, at least) - Relaxing to take...
  9. macromj88

    Finding Your Passion - But How?

    I've done pretty well over the years I've been doing this. But my drive was always making money. Now that I'm pretty comfortable, I want to do something I'm super passionate about and something I'll love. Ironically I think this will result in even more money, but that's not 100% of my focus - I...
  10. macromj88

    Business Growth :: Internal vs. External - YOUR Thoughts?

    Most people here are growing internally. Meaning growing traffic, selling more stuff (or other people's stuff), and growing the business that way. The flip side to that is external (acquisition) growth... It seems like it would be a hell of a lot faster to get to your goal by raising money...
  11. macromj88

    Any GOOD Domain Brokers Out There?

    Really want to purchase this domain name. Would like a broker to come in and see if they can get the deal done... The owner of the domain name is truly a moron, I tried to work out a deal with him and it just wouldn't go through. If you've used a good broker whose gotten you results...
  12. macromj88

    [WTB] Team Of Trained SEO Rockstars

    Looking to hire a team of trained link building rockstars who've got their shit together. I've hired over 30+ people on the forum with mixed results. I have a ton of projects and it would be so much easier if 1 company handled all my work. If you have a team that can do all these basic methods...