Search results

  1. C

    Wordpress pagination and SEO

    Hey guys, I recently added pagination to my wordpress website homepage in order to reduce my bounce rate and improve average time spent on website. Does anyone know what SEO implications this might have? and how to fix it? I want google to read the 3 split pages as 1, however currently its...
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    Why isn't my affiliate website getting low opt-in's? Critique my sales funnel

    Hello everyone, Well this is the first time I am running an affiliate mini-site with an objective to build a mailing list. However, I am getting dismal opt-in rates so far. I am ranking for an informational how-to health related keyword let's say "how to get rid of acne" I have an article...
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    Best payment processor for a cheap $7 product?

    Okay guys, I have a simple $7 product that I am thinking of selling. What would be the best payment processor for this type of business model? I could go with paypal, but that will be inconvenient for people who want to pay with their credit card. What to do? I don't think clickbank would...
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    Optimum article length for backlinking purposes?

    hey guys, When building contexual backlinks what word length would you recommend? is a 200 word length fine as long as the page is getting indexed? or should I go for 400 words. thanks
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    Blog style clickbank affiliate websites or...?

    hai guys, I am looking to start some "thin" clickbank affiliate websites. I plan to post reviews in first person mode describing my experience with the product and then giving my affiliate link. Would you rather use a blog style theme, like this one Freelance Child Theme Demo Or something...
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    google dance or slap??

    Hey guys, My website was ranking on the bottom of first page/top of the second page for 4 keywords and some long tails, but now it's nowhere to be seen in the SERPS (at least not in the top 150) since the past 5 days for any of the 4 keywords. The domain is 1 year old, and it's a thin...
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    Any way to automatically open up all the websites in google SERPS pages?

    hey guys. Does anyone know of a way that I can just enter a keyword in google and have all the search results on the page open up in new tabs in my browser window? thanks
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    Meanwhile in Portland...

    David Canterbury, 33, fights off Taser police armed with toy LIGHTSABER | Mail Online
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    PREMIUIM Blog commenting list 100 domains - PR3+ and OBL<100 - $15 FREE REVIEW COPIES

    PREMIUIM Blog commenting list 100 domains - PR3+ and OBL<100 - $15 FREE REVIEW COPIES Hi everyone, Since I barely know how to write a sales copy, I guess will get straight to the point here and tell you guys exactly what My offer is about.. Up for sale is a list of 100 pages with the...
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    Adding website to google webmaster tools - Yes or NO?

    Ok guys, so whats the verdict? is it worth the risk?
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    How to hide affiliate links from google?

    hey guys. So how do I cloak (amazon/cpa) links on my website to avoid getting slapped by google? I came across this Advanced SEO for Affiliate Marketing Links but the post is from 2010 so I am not sure if it still works.. Any suggestions?
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    Best wickedfire B/S/T service < $50 in your opnion?

    Just looking to throw some cheap links at a site that's stuck at #10..other than bookmarks.. already did that.
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    Built too many links with the same anchor text.. what to do now?

    Hey guys. As the title says I blasted too many links to my niche site using a 2000 bookmark service from the bST section here..Forgot to vary the anchor text..and I even ran them through backlinksindexer now 600 or so are indexed..I'm ranking on the first page but worried about getting...
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    Spinning noob question

    Hey guys, I just spun an article for web 2.0 backlinks. I rewrote each sentence 2 times and now when I spin it (content professor) I get 80% uniqueness from the original article.. But don't we also have to make sure that the spun versions are also unique from each other spun version A spun...
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    Getting a Link from wikipedia

    so I just edit the page and put my site in the "External links" list? is it that easy or am I missing something?
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    Justin Beiber gets girl pregnant

    I lol'd Bieber: I've 'never met' woman claiming paternity – The Marquee Blog - Blogs Picture of the girl whos claiming he's the father of her kid
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    domain/name banned by Askimet/drupal - correct way to 301 redirect?

    Hello My domain has been banned by Aksiment and drupal - Now I have a lot of blogs to leave links on but the filters aren't letting me post a particular domain anymore, other domains work fine. Now I have heard you can build links to another domain and then 301 redirect it? Is it just as easy...
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    Illusion of the year

    Mind = blown Look at his face with one eye closed and "concentrate"
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    Can anyone suggest a good Free article spinner??

    I have an article in spyntax form, that I am looking to spin...ANyone know of a free software that will do this cause I need to do it once only? I am not buying anything for one time use..
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    How to add a blank line between every word in a list?

    Hi guys, Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this.. So I have a list of 1000 words - I want to add a blank line between each word for example my list looks like this _______ hello hi what pizza _____________ I wanna make it ________ hello hi what pizza ________________ I would go...