Search results

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    Need a new printer.........

    O.k. I need a new printer. I tend to print out as more than your average small business probably and the ink cartridges are killing me. I've been refilling and it's just a pain in the ass.... don't really have the time to deal with it. Wish it was just black and white, but it's color as well...
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    Must be nice to be 1 and 1....

    I don't like 1 and 1 hosting (it's a nightmare if you want anything you expect to work to work).... but it seems like they've worked out some kind of deal with adobe to give away cs4 with some of their hosting plans...... Dreamweaver 4 For Almost Free! | Black Hat SEO Digest I guess that's a...
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    WTB - Header/product box!

    Find myself in need of a "box" looking image and a header for a website. Someone with some skillz hit me up please.
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    Call affiliate program?

    I remember seeing something awhile back where you got a special phone number, it played ads, then connected them to your number. I don't think it was a free 800 service, I'm pretty sure you got paid for sending them the callers. Can't find it, or remember more than that :) Any ideas?
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    How is this done?

    Had someone ask me today how this page does this....... and I honestly have no clue since I didn't think it was possible. AffiloJetpack - Official Site | Affilorama Try and leave it and after you click the javascript prompt asking you if you are sure you want to leave it redirects you to...
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    Comment Problem with WP.

    I've got a theme that I love that broke a few versions of WP ago. It's showing the same comments on every post instead of the appropriate posts. Don't see anything jumping out at me either........ <?php // Do not delete these lines if ('comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))...
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    Nothing on T.V.?

    For a long long time my wife and I usually fire up Itunes and watch something together as we go to bed - since I don't really watch t.v. much the other 23 hours a day I got's the control here. Still need something we can both put up with (that she hasn't watched). If I put on a movie we don't...
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    Affiliate Datafeed to magento?

    Got a client that I need to put in an affiliate datafeed into a magento (preferred - but will do another cart if i must) install to round out his product line. Did some googlin and can't find any for magento -- any suggestions?
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    Got Code (whois - avail checker)

    Anyone have a class or chunk of code that checks for available domains that won't object to checking 100's or thousands of domains?
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    Dead domains - how to see?

    For those of you running your own dedicated servers and churning and burning sites through the years how do you scan/check a server to see if all domains hosted on it still resolve to the right nameservers, etc.... Bit of php or is there some app out there that will help? Going to be migrating...
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    Icons from smashing mag..

    Smashing magazine released another set of "flavour" icons. Love em. The Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set (750 icons, incl. PSD sources) - Smashing Magazine
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    Mysql Error: Invalid use of group function

    Running into a problem with a mysql select statement - my head says this should work - but apparently something with group by has changed -- or I'm just wrong. $sql = "select COUNT(statsid), pagehere from " . $tableprefix . "stats group by pagehere order by COUNT(statsid) desc"; Any suggestion...
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    Google's new quality content guidelines.

    I just found a new "thing" google/youtube is doing to help you make quality content. Makes me feel so much better. Google only wants you to create quality content….. | Black Hat SEO Digest Got to love it when google/youtube gives you a way to clutter up the search results with pointless stuff.
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    Mass Site Creation (stupid Cheap)

    I do a lot of work for SEO firms and for the last several months that has meant mass creation of websites.... as in thousands. Based off wordpress and automatic posting of content (articles, rss, video, original content) for an entire year. I've goofed and seriously over ordered on servers...
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    My girls a rockin.... round 2.

    My 12 year old has entered a community competition like american idol. Last year she made it through a few rounds before she got voted off... hoping she does a little better this year. She's got a great voice for a 12 year old....... she always makes me think of those "blues" singers you see...
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    Building high end pc?

    O.K. I stopped being a "techno" nerd back in the BBS days. Haven't opened a pc case in almost 10 years. The last pc I built wasn't even a Pentium :) Normally I'd just order a pc from somewhere, clean the crap off it/reformat and be done with it. But I've got 2 boys and they keep trying to...
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    BLOG Network - 10, 20, 30 blogs - all yours!

    I'm getting ready to close up this months orders of bulk wordpress blogs. All the details are here: Blog Automation – Fast and easy. | Black Hat SEO Digest Overview for those of you who don't want to click through to that link: - We create the blogs for you. Install and configure them. -...
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    Like Boobs Huh? Oggle and shut my wife up!

    So you like Boobs? My wife thinks us Pervs should donate to keep them around :) She's a team captain this year for Relay for Life.... and of course keeps nagging me to donate more, etc... Her words: "All you perverts on THAT forum should kick in." The American Cancer Society - Relay For...
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    So let's start a football pool... How long till I'm de-indexed?

    Cutt’s Approves a Small Amount of Link Spam (thinks it’s rad) | Black Hat SEO Digest
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    Selling SEO ninja - Selling Points?

    So I got a PM about my SEO ninja product in the Buy/Sell section and I'd like some advice on how to answer him.