Search results

  1. S

    Project Management Script

    Looking for a project management script that isn't real complicated. Here is what's going on. Got three people involved in a project - a researcher, a developer, and a writer. Basic concept is that the researcher researches, the developer makes the sites, the writer writes the content, and...
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    BLOGS INSTALLED (WITH CONTENT) - As low as $1 each!

    O.K. Looking for some serious WF members for some reviews here. You are going to need at least 10 domains that need developing. Who might be interested: 1.) Domainers and those that park domains. 2.) Those that need links and want some safe ways of getting them and having them pay for...
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    Copy and Paste Failure - constant

    O.K. I'm going nuts. Every time I copy and paste anything that has some white space on the ends it's adding a space - it automatically highlights a space at the end and won't let me just grab it with out it. Doesn't happen on xp, vista, etc.. but on my windows 7 machine it happens constantly...
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    aweber api

    Anyone done anywork with the aweber API? Was going to integrate it into one of the sites I'm working on and just read the faq that you can't add subscribers with the API. However, I see a few other services/sites that seem to be integrated with the api that do add subscribers -- what am I...
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    Setting a cookie - iframed

    I've got a website where I'm being iframed on a couple third party sites. Not irritated about it -- instead going to do a little customization to increase $$. My issue is that apparently I can't set cookies and I'd like to lock it down for the visitor if they click through to my site. Right...
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    So.... housing to drop further?

    It seems that energy prices played a huge role in housing values dropping - as people couldn't afford to fill their cars up at $4 dollars a gallon, or heat their house, etc... more and more foreclosed. It seems gas is going up again $3.40 a gallon here today.... all the crap fell apart at...
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    Connecting to other pc's in house

    So I've got my main work P.C. in my office, a P.C. up in my room and a laptop. Tired of trying to sync shit all the time. Easiest way to just "log in" and operate the main p.c.? Was looking at logmein - but seems like it's overkill since I'm in the same house.
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    Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater!

    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results
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    I wrote a guide on making your own digital "GURU" product.

    I wrote a guide the other day on how to break into GURU status. I think I hit all the important points - anything I missed? Edit: Losing formating - here is the link: The *Real* Anatomy of Product Launch And Digital Product Creation | Black Hat SEO Digest
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    O.K. - wiredtree is down AGAIN.

    No clue where they are located - this related to the weather in the north east possibly? Love em - but this is like the third time in memory (and that means this month) that they've gone down for some reason or another.
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    Moving data from 1 db to another.

    O.K. so I'm stuck. I've got users filling in data in website 1 (on server 1). I need to push that data to other sites on different servers. Looking for the best/easiest way. Got the following ideas: 1.) I'm going to write a script on those external sites where I just call the url from...
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    Like Taco Bell?

    O.K. this is one of those things that you probably don't want to read if you like to eat out a lot.... especially if you are going to make a run for the border later. This Is What Really Hides In Taco Bell's "Beef"
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    Alternative To Aweber?

    Anything out there to compare with awebers split testing, open rates, tracking, etc...? I've got an old grandfathered account where I pay like 10 bucks per 10k on my lists and I'm not upgrading to lose that. But I'd like to play with all that stuff on some new lists - so suggestions?
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    You assholes are amazing!

    O.K. in my defense I had a few to many the other night. We had a few people over and I drank rum and cokes through 2 games of Monopoly (you know how long they take). During the first game (before we sent them to bed) my kids told me I was lazy because all I did for "work" was sit in front of...
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    Big Dog Toys..........

    I've seen in some of the "dog" threads that a few of you have larger dogs like me. (yellow lab). Mines almost a year old and is really really rough on toys. Kong toys... 10 minutes and they are shreds of red plastic rubber. Those super tough *look like roadkill* fabric toys..... joke...
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    Where to get local results.....

    Figured it might not be a bad idea to start a thread on where to get some local results... and ways to parse the data. Like "night clubs in Beaver City, Montana". There is yelp, and yahoo has a local search service as well. I wrote a little ap the other day to grab the images of some...
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    Which E-reader?

    I briefly had an amazon kindle but the dog ate it before I really started using it :) Anyway, going to pick another one up and I'm wondering if I should pick up the kindle, nook, or one of the others? (I like the kindles bigger size so that's a plus)
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    Broken Comments on an older theme

    I've got an old theme I really like - comments broke at some point (shows the wrong comments on the wrong posts). I've dug through it and don't see anything obvious - but I don't do enough theme work to figure out what's changed. Anyone see anything obvious (this is comments.php)? <?php // Do...
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    Tutorial Writer (webmaster related)

    So I'm horribly behind on some writing for my webmaster/tech blogs. Been dealing with some health issues, and have other stuff to catch up on. I'm looking for a good tutorial writer for webmaster related stuff. Seo, how to's, etc.. PM me some rates, sample if you go it, etc... Let's talk.
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    WTB - Site Clone

    Need an estimate on a site clone job. PM me for details. (no programming, just html/css/design)