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  1. K

    Do you put your content in <p> tags?

    As the topic says, do you put your content within your site inside of <p> and </p> tags? I'm mainly curious for SEO reasons. Do you think it helps any at all for SE's to recognize what's between the two as page copy rather than um... whatever else it might think it is?
  2. K

    Conversions: PPC vs. Organic Listings

    From what I've seen, the organic listings draw more links than the PPC ads. But which convert better? Any links to specific tests would be appreciated.
  3. K

    What is Semantics?

    I started a thread about using semantically related keywords, but didn't get any replies. In case anybody was curious, here's the small bit of what I know about semantics... Semantics can mean many things, as seen at . But when it comes to SEO...
  4. K

    Catching User Search Queries

    Do you have a search box on your website? If so, do you log your user's search queries? I do, and I've found it to be an invaluable tool for finding keyphrases to target. Not everybody thinks alike, no matter how long and hard you think... you'll be hard pressed to find any better keyphrases...
  5. K


    Typically, I do everything I possibly can myself. It's worked well in the past, but I've been so pressed for time lately that I can't grow much more while still doing all the content writing, design, marketing, and coding myself. The things I'm considering outsourcing would be the content...
  6. K

    Printed Publications

    Are there any printed publications (magazines) that you guys 'n gals read that are on topic to any type of internet development? I read entrepreneur a lot, but there's not a whole lot about the web on there. It seems that most of the computer mags are all based around gamer stuff. Are there...
  7. K

    Standards Overload

    I just saw the attached image as a footer on a site. This stuff is getting ridiculous. Put all that crap with rss feeds, OPML, delicious, technorati and other tagging sites... and it's a full time job just managing your feeds and making sure you stay up to date with the standards you claim to...
  8. K

    What META tags do you use?

    It's obvious that meta tags don't carry the weight they used to when it comes to SEO. While it doesn't seem like most SE's use the meta tags at all when it comes to ranking a site, do you still think they have their place? What meta tags do you commonly use on your sites? I personally only...
  9. K

    Affiliate Marketing Forums

    Aside from this wonderful forum of course, what forums do you frequently browse that has a great deal of useful information. Sitepoint is obviously a big one, but I'm kind of looking for some more specificly targeted towards AM. I've found a lot of them that just have a lot of "noise" in...
  10. K

    Reselling Hosting?

    I've seen "reseller" accounts with just about every hosting company I've checked out. How many of you guys actually resell it. Have any of you setup websites selling webhosting through any of these reseller accounts? If so, what host do you use? Obviously, it would be a very competitive...
  11. K

    Flash to gain popularity?

    Since Adobe bought Macromedia, it seems like they've been pushing Flash a lot harder. With Flash 9 out, and more developer software on the horizon, do you think that Flash has much room to grow? I personally am not a huge Flash fan just because of the SEO issues it brings up. With Google...
  12. K

    What does it take to be ultra-successful?

    There seems to be a huge gap between the truely successful AM's and the guys battling to make $50 a day. Why is this? What makes an AM jump from making < $100/day to thousands a day? What do they big guys know that the thousands of little guys don't?
  13. K

    What ads get you the best CTR?

    Please select your best performer. Leave details or tips below if you so please. If "Other", please describe.
  14. K

    What tracking software do you use?

    I've found two that I've liked, well 3 if you count G analytics. I like that the statcounter tracker is private. It does a good job of tracking just about everything, I just wish they gave more for free :p . Once again, free, free is...
  15. K

    What does your blogroll look like?

    Mine is made up of mostly SEO related blogs... that's about it for the daily hits...
  16. K

    Four Reasons Why CSS > Tables

    File Size With one of my sites with a somewhat complex layout, I saw page size go from 60k to only 6k for the on page code. This was done by simply changing from a table-based, to a CSS-based layout. If you run a heavily traffic'd website, with thousands of visitors a day, this can save you huge...
  17. K

    Microsoft to be offering Contextual Ads

    I'm suprised nobody has posted this yet, but I got an e-mail the other day about Microsoft's new "adLabs". On the adLabs website are a couple somewhat worthless tools related to contextual advertising... and...
  18. K

    Images in Signature?

    are they going to be allowed? i vote no. it's so annoying seeing the same flashing image over, and over, and over.
  19. K

    How about a SEO forum?

    Pretty much like the title says. SEO ties into affiliate marketing pretty well and I'd really like a no-bullshit SEO forum. And now that I'm at it, how bout a newbie or "faq" sub-forum to move all the repetetive beginner questions into?