Search results

  1. K

    WTF Pic 'o 'da Day

  2. K

    LMAO Flying Lawnmower

    a gardener's dream...
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    Lots of good shows on WMR

    I missed out on yesterday's shows so I was checkin' the archives to see if they've been updated yet, and it looks like there's a lot of recent good shows that I've missed. 9/25 Strike Point - Mikkel is out, but JenSense fills in w/ David Naylor. DaveN is usally pretty entertaining to listen to...
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    How To Post An Image

    Say you're surfing around MySpace and you find some studly, 4 year old picture of a 15 year old young man that you would like to repost on a forum. Well, your first step would be to right click on the image, and select "Save Image As..." from the dropdown box. You'll get a "Save Picture" popup...
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    STFU Web 2.0

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    My Arbitrage Landing Page

    Below is an image of my arbitrage landing page. It's blurred out to "protect my niche", but all the areas are marked so you know what they are. I think i've got a pretty good page going, but haven't been able to scrounge up enough traffic to figure it out. I've currently only sent it searchfeed...
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    DING, DING, DING! We have a winner!!!

    ... i hope. It's 3:15 am and I have to be up in a few hours. It's been a long haul, but I'm glad I stuck it out. I hope to be around these forums for a long time to come, as well as the premium forums when they are opened. Thanks to Aaron wall to posting about these forums in his blog...
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    Which SEOs' oponions do you trust?

    There are a lot of really good seos out there, but a gazillion times as many hacks. Sometimes finding clear-cut information can be difficult. The people below have never served me wrong... Jim Boykin CEO of and posts almost daily at his personal blog...
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    Persuasion Architecture

    The Eisenberg brothers coined the phrase not long ago and have marketed the shit out of it. If you've herd of it, what do you think about it? Can you pick out any techniques that would be easy to implement into your own website without paying them a gazillion dollars to redesign the...
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    Windows Live Thoughts?

    I haven't got to see much of it other than a couple screenshots... which looked badass. I loved how much of a change XP was over 2k and hope live leaves me with the same feeling. I've herd of quite a few people with beta versions of it though. Have any of you gotten a hold of it? If so, what do...
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    Free CSS Templates

    I like to code my own layouts, but for those of you that have issues with coding with XHTML/CSS... check out some of those layouts. Even if you don't use any of them for a site, at least hack around in them, you might figure a few things out ;) .
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    Affiliate Marketing Conferences

    I know of quite a few SEO specific conferences. Although AM is sometimes tied into those, I was wondering if there are any popular AM conferences? Preferably in southern California :D .
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    Finding Backlinks

    Most will agree that links to your website are the single most important factor in getting your website ranking well in search engines. So you've started your linkbuilding campaign, got some links... but how do you keep track of them? The most commonly agreed upon technique is the Y...
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    SEO Contests

    What do they really prove. They start everybody at a level playing field with no established competitors. I'd like to see an SEO contest in a somewhat competitive niche that already has some significantly established competitors. That is what most of us are trying to do, outrank an existing...
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    How to pick what site to buy?

    If you were looking to buy an already developed site to takeover the reigns of. What would you look for in the site? There are a ton of sites out there with website classifieds, and plenty of listings. I'm just wonder how you'd go about sorting through the crap and finding the gems.
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    DMOZ Editors?

    I really feel this should have been in the traffic forum, but I feel like I'm flooding that forum with threads, so I'll show this forum some love. I just read a post by Jim Boykin about becoming a DMOZ editor. Are any of you editors? Any "tricks" you used to get accepted as an editor? I've...
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    Google's Censorship on China's Results

    I'm sure this as been discussed all over the place, I originally herd about it on Jim Boykin's blog. Most know that Google has bowed to the Chinese government by censoring out whatever the Chinese government does not what it's citizens to see in order to be able to be viewed via Chinese ISPs...
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    Newish no-www standard i always 301 the not www of my domains to I see the point they're making, but I don't think i'm ready to conform just yet... what about you?
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    Dedicated Server Host

    There have been a couple threads about what host you like best, but they've been pretty universal as to which type of hosting. I'm currently happy with shared accounts at hostgator and dreamhost but am curious what kind of luck people have had with them and other hosts when it comes to dedicated...
  20. K

    Would you report a competitor to the SEs?

    If you were checkin' out a competitor's site and noticed they might be doing something that could possibly be on the other side of the SE's guidelines? There was a story in SEO Book where some guy got reported, knew who did it, and go so pissed off that he churned out a bunch of sites and ended...