Search results

  1. Magic Hat

    Steven Wagenheim the hypocrite

    Steven Wagenheim bashes "get rich quick" online scams and then links to his Easy Offline Riches blogspot (that has one post) in the same article. Internet Marketing Tips - The Lazy Man's Way to Riches I loled
  2. Magic Hat

    Lindsay Lohan sex tape

    Apparently a Lindsay Lohan sex tape is out or will be released soon. I know one of you fuckers has it, so share the wealth!
  3. Magic Hat

    Google bitchslaps China

    From Official Google Blog: A new approach to China
  4. Magic Hat

    Affiliate Marketing- Supplemental or Full Time?

    Just curious how many people here "do" affiliate marketing full time compared to doing it for supplemental income. Personally, I have a regular 9-5 (guaranteed salary + benefits ftw), and do some affiliate stuff on the side. Affiliate marketing helped me sharpen my general internet marketing...
  5. Magic Hat

    Best Animated Gif Thread Evar

    Post your favorite animated gifs. ILL START!
  6. Magic Hat

    For all Big Lebowski fans...

    I present, Two Gentlemen of Lebowski, the script of The Big Lebowski as if written by Shakespeare. Enjoy
  7. Magic Hat

    There are 15,740 Social Media Experts on Twitter

    According to Mashable... Granted, a good percentage of which are probably bots, but still. One of the reasons I dislike Twitter- everyone's an expert. Any douche that knows how to setup a social media profile can claim to be an expert in the industry. Then there's these people on LinkedIn who...
  8. Magic Hat

    [WTB] WordPress Template Customizations

    Hey all, I have a client who is using a WordPress template. They need some changes done to the template (some CSS and some basic functionality stuff), which is beyond my design/coding abilities. Should be a quick job and I will pay via Paypal. If you are interested, please pm me for more...
  9. Magic Hat

    [WTB] Homeschooling Links

    Looking to buy links on homeschooling or education related websites. PR3+. PM me please with offers.
  10. Magic Hat

    Google Real Time Search = Win?

    One of my recent diggs is ranking #1 in Google for one of my targeted keyword phrases (few hundred thousand results). It has been there for 12 hours. I just submitted another digg for another site about an hour ago, and it's already on page 3 (a few million results). Try it out. Report back...
  11. Magic Hat

    Gmail requires SMS confirmation?

    Pretty sure this is new. Not sure if it is done randomly or what, my apologies if you guys already know about it. I tried to create a new Gmail account today, and got prompted with the following (tried a few times on different computers, ips, and changed my "profile" info on the signup screen...
  12. Magic Hat

    Yahoo, Right Media to shut down DMX

    Yahoo, Right Media To Shut Down DMX Platform End Of January 2010 What do you guys think? Who will step up and fill this void?