SGW: The Final Countdown

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Sofa King Re: Tar Dead
May 13, 2008
North Idaho
Rating - 100%
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Sent this out this morning to the list but I couldn't resist another opportunity to send Jon $36 (best advertising value on the entire web IMO) to cross post it here:

It's been an exciting 8 plus months here at SGW headquarters and you have been a huge part of that. Without your support and feedback, SGW could never have grown into the SERP crushing monster it now is. We've enjoyed watching your sites rank for some amazing terms, and hopefully you've monetized them well. For those of us who do monetize well, SGW is the single best SEO ROI ever experienced.

Sadly, that all ends July 31st.

You may have noticed the lack of SGW thread on wickedfire for a month+. The Internet is a constantly shifting environment, and while SGW is still ranking sites as quickly and as powerfully as ever (especially internationally and with the use of 301s), our time and server constraints will no longer allow us to publicly offer SGW.

Some of you may have noticed that your blasts are taking longer and longer to run. We apologize for this, but the facts are simple: We've dedicated ourselves to owning MANY large high value niches, from the head root keywords down to the longest of tails, and it's keeping our team and servers running 24-7 to accomplish this.

What this has meant for you is that we struggle to fit your orders into the mix in a timely manner, causing you unneccessary angst (Did my order run? Why won't Grind PM me back?) and causing us unneccessary strife trying to keep many masters satisfied. We’re not willing to sacrifice service for more money and thus the decision to close it down to the public was made.

The solution is simple: We're pulling public access to SGW on July 31st.

Here's how it will go down. We're mailing this today, July 16th. We've scheduled a public blast for Tuesday, July 17th. All orders placed between now and then will get added to the queue of orders received over the last 7-10 days and blasted out Tuesday night.

All orders received after the next blast starts and before the Wufoo form disappears late on July 31st will be in the blast that goes out sometime between August 1st and 3rd (haven't nailed this blast date down yet, like I said, we're pushing major volume daily).

After that, SGW blasts will no longer be accessible to the general public. While it saddens us to have to remove such an effective tool from the public, the numbers never lie and our time and resources are better spent elsewhere.

We'll take this moment to thank you for your support over the past 8 plus months, we know it's been mutually beneficial & the best of luck to your future SEO endeavors.


The SGW Team (Grind, buylinkstoday, a half dozen other people behind the scenes without whom SGW never would have been possible)

P.S. Did you think we'd forget the links? <--SGW Only <--SGW + Links

P.S.S. SGW power users (you know who you are), we're not going to cut you off cold turkey...we'll have a new better private SGW 2.0 available in the near future for you guys pushing $5k+/month in volume.

P.S.S.S. Stay subscribed for a pre-release announcement of Grind's new Link Versity Extended package, limited spaces available, monthly dripped linkbuilding like you've never seen before!

tl;dr version: Order today if you want a blast tomorrow, order in the next two weeks if you want a blast EVER.


Europe - The Final Countdown(with lyrics) - YouTube





Very satisfied with my last order and might put in a couple before they are gone for good.

Have a question though:

Any point ordering a SGW blast for the same keyword and same URL twice? Or are they all coming from the same sites so I shouldn't bother?
Very satisfied with my last order and might put in a couple before they are gone for good.

Have a question though:

Any point ordering a SGW blast for the same keyword and same URL twice? Or are they all coming from the same sites so I shouldn't bother?

I'd use a different key inner page and a related but not identical keyword as before. Targets always changing, was talking to a friend on skype yesterday, he has 900k indexed links on one of these we did 4-5 months back, probably hard to find a link friendly target not in that mix.
BUMP and ordering friday as soon as i have completed my website and got it indexed. Never tried it before but hoping to get some AMAZING results!
Let's say I can't order more at this time, but a day sometime after August 1st rolls around and my balls fill-up a little more and I think "Hmm, I could be a Power pumper. I wanna be down"' and I could spend $5k monthly- Possible that some slots on the Private 2.0 could open up to a few new select users on a case by case basis? Or is that pretty much capped off now, too?
I realize I may just be rehashing what's been said in the thread but I'll take the risk. I just want to be sure that I understand it completely. With that said, will all existing users that have ordered a blast remain on a mailing list of some sort to have access to sgw or some version of it in the future or would that only be exclusive to those pushing 5k/month volume. Again, I'm just trying to get clarification in the open.
I realize I may just be rehashing what's been said in the thread but I'll take the risk. I just want to be sure that I understand it completely. With that said, will all existing users that have ordered a blast remain on a mailing list of some sort to have access to sgw or some version of it in the future or would that only be exclusive to those pushing 5k/month volume. Again, I'm just trying to get clarification in the open.

Would like to know that too. SGW has been such an easy and elegant solution, and though i only had under 10 blasts total it made my life so mush brighter and easier - I will be missing it. On the other hand, may be its time to mod and code myself finally...:crap:

Meanwhile, making 3 more sites for good bye order...
Does this still work well for press releases (PRWeb)?

Oh buddy, does it ever...

I realize I may just be rehashing what's been said in the thread but I'll take the risk. I just want to be sure that I understand it completely. With that said, will all existing users that have ordered a blast remain on a mailing list of some sort to have access to sgw or some version of it in the future or would that only be exclusive to those pushing 5k/month volume. Again, I'm just trying to get clarification in the open.

Yeah, stay subscribed to the list because any future updates will go there first, if at all. We've received a ton of feedback from people not at the upper power user levels that still want access, we're discussing it internally and will see if we can come to a mutually beneficial solution.

Way to be Grindstone, Way to be.


Would like to know that too. SGW has been such an easy and elegant solution, and though i only had under 10 blasts total it made my life so mush brighter and easier - I will be missing it. On the other hand, may be its time to mod and code myself finally...:crap:

Meanwhile, making 3 more sites for good bye order...

Awesome, get them done before the 31st. Cheers!
I really wanted to try this out, but if you are no longer going to offer it then I don't want to get addicted to it without being able to get a fix.
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