It Begins... Beck: Who's Your Favorite Founder? Palin: All Of 'Em

He was president of Harvard Law you have any idea what that means? If you do, then your statements above would have to be sarcastic. But since you're a die-hard conservative that will defend Sarah Palin as someone who belongs in the political arena I have to assume you have no idea about how brilliant or hardworking you have to be in order to get on Law Review (one of, if not the most prestigious groups you can join in law school), let alone become president of Law Review at Harvard.

hows all those degrees working for him......whats he at now 42% approval....FUCK HIM!

If he is such a genius, then he needs to go back to Harvard and brainwash the young sheeple being pumped thourgh the liberal sausage grinder because he is looking awful stupid playing President.
Beck: President Obama, who is your favorite President?
President Obama: President Obama
I am neither for nor against anything at this point -too busy to worry about it, but here's a take on Palin:

She's the classic case of the woman playing in the Good Ol' Boy system. Bush and his dad were certainly members and so is Palin. Anything oil related is based on the Good Ol' Boy System. We know a lot about it down here.

She looks good, she's folksy and yet she some how manages to do a decent job keeping up with or beating the big boys without ever appearing particularly threatening to them. Being a woman who can play catch with the ol' boys means keeping light on your toes and more acting than most can ever imagine. Every time I see her, I think of about female executives in the oil business - I know plenty of them and they play the same role generally speaking.

Whatever the future holds, it'll be amusing. :)
They are related yes.

fuckin dumbass that doesn't listen to the will of the people and runs country into ground = low approval ratings

see how that works?

So George Bush was at his dumbest when leaving office? IQs fluctuate in sync with approval ratings? President Obama was smarter at the beginning of his term and is now becoming dumber. Following the will of the people makes you smarter?

None of those things makes sense.

This just in: President Obama is .04 points smarter today than he was yesterday. :rolleyes:
I see most of the insults to Palin being straight out sexist. Just like most of the elite libs are racist they are sexist as well.
Palin is a dumbass but she is hot and knows how to market herself to her specific market. She has already made major money now and will continue to for awhile. That said vote libertarian.
Just like most of the elite libs are racist they are sexist as well.

There's nothing elite about being able to regurgitate propaganda. I could teach my dog to respond to Palin's name with epithets, or mindlessly screech "Fox! Fox!". These people are nothing more than brainwashed morons who simply have a vast network of support.
Thread Cliff Notes:

Unripe is on the cusp of breaking the WF all time record for the fastest to 1,000 posts. 60% of them were thread starters about his ultra hard-on for Palin.

Joe Biden somehow escapes everyone (but Popeye) as the true classic village idiot.

Conversion still has a hard time redeeming himself in his own eyes for that major screw up he did when he punched the chad next to the name "Barack Obama" so he lashes out at Popeye... again.

InternetAuthor keenly introduces her observation that Sarah Palin isn't nearly as stupid as the media relentlessly tries to paint her as, in fact, it takes quite a sharp person to pull all of this off whilst maintaining the now famous deer-in-headlights stare all the time. The libs never saw this one coming. It keeps them up at night.

Subigo, much like his lib counterparts, continue to try to continually paint Popeye as a troll. It's all they have left against his truth.

Unripe owns 27% of the posts in this thread and LotsOfZeros is expecting an intense 1K out of him as payback for all the agony of the previous 999.
Thread Cliff Notes:

Unripe is on the cusp of breaking the WF all time record for the fastest to 1,000 posts. 60% of them were thread starters about his ultra hard-on for Palin.

Joe Biden somehow escapes everyone (but Popeye) as the true classic village idiot.

Conversion still has a hard time redeeming himself in his own eyes for that major screw up he did when he punched the chad next to the name "Barack Obama" so he lashes out at Popeye... again.

InternetAuthor keenly introduces her observation that Sarah Palin isn't nearly as stupid as the media relentlessly tries to paint her as, in fact, it takes quite a sharp person to pull all of this off whilst maintaining the now famous deer-in-headlights stare all the time. The libs never saw this one coming. It keeps them up at night.

Subigo, much like his lib counterparts, continue to try to continually paint Popeye as a troll. It's all they have left against his truth.

Unripe owns 27% of the posts in this thread and LotsOfZeros is expecting an intense 1K out of him as payback for all the agony of the previous 999.

A+ for summarization and extra credit for calling me "keen."
60% of them were thread starters about his ultra hard-on for Palin.

Well.... two threads are about Palin, you got it close. And yeah, she has an effect on my dick, but she turns my brain into moosh.

Subigo, much like his lib counterparts, continue to try to continually paint Popeye as a troll. It's all they have left against his truth.

Popeye is clearly the one painting himself as a troll, not subigo.

Unripe owns 27% of the posts in this thread and LotsOfZeros is expecting an intense 1K out of him as payback for all the agony of the previous 999.

I'm trying to own 27% of the posts on WF, don't you see?

Oh and I'm glad you find my posts agonizing, I must be doing it right. :)

Another thing, you and I took InternetAuthor's post two different ways.